Resolutions for 2016 #27

In 2016 we will…

Check our moles!

All of us have moles, but ask yourself this – how often, if ever, do you check your moles?

In general, most moles are completely harmless, but would you know what a healthy mole looks like? I’m not entirely sure I would, which is why doctors recommend you follow the A, B, C, D rules when checking your moles and if after that you are still unsure, you should book yourself an appointment with your GP or nurse so that they can give your moles a once over.

If you notice any of the following when you check your moles it is advisable to get them checked out by a professional:

A is for Asymmetry – Does your mole look different on one side to the other?
B is for Border – Are the edges of your mole jagged or irregular?
C is for Colour –  Does the surface of your mole vary in colour, is it patchy or uneven?
D is for Diameter –  Has a mole increased in size or is it more than 6mm in diameter?

Doctors advise that you check your moles every couple of months, paying particular attention to changes in size, texture and colour. If you do regularly check your moles it will be a lot easier to see if any changes have occurred and you can then treat them accordingly. Most moles are benign, but there is obviously the risk of moles turning into melanoma and regular mole examinations can at least alert you to any abnormalities sooner rather than later.

Mole checking is something we should all make the effort to find the time to do and is as important as checking your breasts. Make it one of your health resolutions for 2016.

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