10 Spring Cleaning Tips to Make Your Home a Wellness Haven

There’s no time like the new blossoming of spring to create an environment of wellness and healing in your home. If you happen to love spring cleaning and building a healthy home for you and your family, you’re probably on the lookout every spring for new ideas and tips you can add to your repertoire. From new cleaning supplies you’ll fall in love with to new fragrances you’ll love for your home, all the way to new organization techniques, wellness can start anywhere.

If you’re looking to turn your home into a wellness haven, there are so many places you can begin. Whether all you need is a little boost to get yourself motivated or you’re looking to delve into a whole new lifestyle, these tips might just turn your spring cleaning routine around.

Here are 10 spring cleaning tips you can use to turn your home into a wellness haven.

1. Thoroughly Dust

While dusting might sometimes seem like a phone-it-in type of chore, doing the job thoroughly and fully can make a huge difference.

Really getting into the deeper corners and getting on top of high surfaces can bring a whole new level of freshness to your home and combat things like indoor allergies and respiratory irritation.

2. Clean Out The Basement

Sometimes, pockets of clutter can cause stress even if you can’t see them. Knowing they’re there is enough to make your house feel a bit less clean and peaceful than it could. Spring is the perfect time to deep-clean corners of the house that might otherwise be forgotten.

3. Switch To Non-Chlorine Bleach

When considering what to use when you’re cleaning, the products are the first things that come to mind. While there is a common misconception that natural products can’t provide a deep clean, using non-chlorine bleach can make your home smell much better and provide just as deep of a clean.

4. Clean Your Chimney

Spring is the best time to clean your chimney or get your chimney cleaned by a professional. If you’re working on it yourself, just remember to put safety first and always use the proper precautions, especially when on the roof.

5. Use Aromatherapy

While it isn’t specifically cleaning, using aromatherapy can help your home feel fresher and clearer. Whether you diffuse essential oils or light a candle, making your home smell a bit fresher can make everything feel cleaner.

6. Tackle One Room At A Time

Diving into your whole house all at once can feel a bit overwhelming, to say the least. That’s why the technique of going room by room can make your tasks a bit more manageable and even go by faster.

7. Use Feng Shui

Feng Shui is the art of creating an energetic flow with the furniture, items, and decor in your home and how everything is laid out. While there are many principles to learn about, there are a few basic techniques that everyone can adopt for energetic flow in their homes.

8. Toss Things That Don’t Spark Joy

While this method doesn’t work for everyone, evaluating what sparks joy and what doesn’t spark joy can help you pare down clutter, especially when it comes to clothes, books, and recreational items. A clutter-free home is a healthier home.

9. Make A Positive Cleaning Playlist

When it comes to the actual cleaning task, things can sometimes get a bit dull. If you’re looking to put some extra pep in your step, make a playlist to pump you up while you work.

10. When in Doubt, Use Vinegar And Baking Soda

Baking soda and vinegar are notorious for causing chemical reactions, but in small quantities, they can also clean all kinds of messes and surfaces — much more naturally than other cleaning solutions.

Spring Cleaning For A Better Home

While everyone’s cleaning style is different, you have the power to make your home a wellness haven no matter what your style is. Clean room by room, with music or using Feng Shui. It’s all about what works best for you!

Author Bio

Jane is an environmental writer and the founder and editor-in-chief of Environment.co where she covers sustainability and eco-friendly living.

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