CALGARY AVANSINO, Vogue‘s executive fashion and digital projects director, is known around the office as a glowing example of how to eat well – so we asked her to share her tips on healthy eating.
“To me, it’s pretty simple – if you fill your body with rubbish you’re going to feel rubbish. Our bodies and minds need nutrient-dense, powerful, alive foods to fuel our hectic lives. We can’t expect to feel energetic and alert if we are quenching our appetite with processed foods full of refined carbohydrates, sugar and additives,” she says.
An evangelist for wholesome, “good” foods, Calgary has put together a list of 10 simple changes you can make to improve your eating habits.
“Any change towards a cleaner, healthier diet will do you good. Start with something small but stick to it – psychologists say it takes at least three months for lasting habits to form so hang in there; it takes commitment to retrain your palette but give it a try and my bet is you’ll be craving kale chips before you know it.”
Additionally, Calgary has shared the recipe for her daily breakfast smoothie below.
Morning Smoothie
Coconut water
Almond milk
Frozen kale
Frozen pineapple
Frozen blueberries
1/2 avocado
1/2 courgette
1 spoonful of almond butter
1 spoonful of coconut oil
Rice protein powder
Greens powder
Flax powder
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