The morning can be a super busy time, especially if you’re someone who loves the snooze button on your alarm, but if you want gorgeously glowing skin, it’s important to allow enough time for your morning skincare routine. If you’re feeling like your morning needs a bit of a shake up, we’ve got 10 ways to simplify your morning skincare routine so that you can help prep and protect your skin for the rest of the day.
1. Hydrate
Beauty starts on the inside and the best way to kick off your morning is by drinking a glass of lemon water when you first get up. Lemons contain a high amount of Vitamin C, which is a total skincare saviour. Plus, drinking lemon water on an empty stomach helps the body shift into a more alkaline state, which is known to be anti-inflammatory to the skin. Replace your usual cup of coffee with hot water, lemon and a teaspoon of honey to cleanse your skin from the inside out.
2. Invest In Some Beauty Tech
One way to speed up your morning skincare routine is by investing in some beauty tech, such as the LUNA3 from FOREO Sweden. This nifty little two-in-one device is an enhanced T-Sonic facial cleansing brush and firming massager, which means it not only cleanses your face, but also diminishes fine lines and other signs of aging. This iconic gadget uses full spectrum LED light therapy, ultra fast cryo- and thermo therapy, as well as T-sonic pulsations to rejuvenate the skin and aid better absorption of products. The device can be linked via Bluetooth to the FOREO app where you have access to various facial massage techniques and guided cleansing routines. So, if you’ve not fully woken up yet, you can be safe in the knowledge that someone else has got a grip on your morning skincare routine, even if you haven’t!
3. Give Yourself Time
There’s nothing worse than rushing in the morning. It’s stressful, chaotic, and is no way to start the day. When we stress, we frown, and when we frown too much that’s when those dreaded lines start to appear. Give yourself more time in the morning by setting your alarm just a few minutes earlier than you usually would and you’ll be amazed at how much more peaceful your mornings are. You will then have more time to focus on things like your skincare routine and eating a good breakfast.
4. Splash With Cold Water
We’ve recently become more enlightened about the health benefits of cold water therapy, but if you’re thinking there’s no way you could handle a full body cold shower in the morning, then why not consider splashing just your face with cold water instead. Washing your face with cold water helps to increase blood flow and increased blood flow results in better protection against free radicals and will give your skin a healthier glow. Cold water will also help reduce any overnight puffiness and will just generally make you feel more invigorated. If you weren’t awake before, you certainly will be now!
5. Roll With It
In much the same way that splashing your face with cold water is beneficial to your skin, so too is ice rolling. You can buy an ice roller quite cheaply online, and then it’s simply a case of popping it in the fridge or freezer (just remember to wait a few minutes before using it if it has been in the freezer) and then rolling it up and down the forehead in a zigzag motion along each side of your nose. Ice rollers help to tighten pores, firm the skin, combat redness and puffiness, soothe, and reduce inflammation. The perfect way to wake up tired skin in the morning.
6. Eat A Healthy Breakfast
As we’ve said, healthy looking skin starts from within, which means a good breakfast is a must. Foods that are super skin friendly include: blueberries, avocados, fatty fish like smoked salmon, walnuts, and dark chocolate. Why not make yourself a blueberry smoothie using blueberries, banana, yogurt, and your favourite milk; perfect for taking with you on the work commute if you’re running out of time to have it at home. Or if you know you won’t have time in the morning, making a walnut and dark chocolate overnight oats the night before is the ideal solution. Then at the weekend when you have a bit more time, whip up some scrambled egg and smoked salmon with a portion of sliced avocado on the side. You’ll have perfect, glowing skin in no time. If you don’t feel as though you’re getting all the right nutrients from your diet alone, it’s worth thinking about taking some skin friendly supplements. Life Botanics digestion and skin tablets treats your skin from the inside out through a complex formula of vitamins and medicinal herbs to keep your skin glowing and soft.
7. Cleanse, Tone, Moisturise
The classic three step practice of cleanse, tone, and moisturise has long been the go-to morning skincare routine, and for good reason. Start off with a cleanser to clean away any bacteria from your skin that may have been passed from your pillow during the night. Follow this up with a wipe over with a gentle toner to help shrink pores and give the skin a tighter look. And then the pièce de résistance always, always complete your skincare routine with a moisturiser to help hydrate the skin and protect it against whatever the day may throw at it.
8. Smile
Everyone looks better with a smile, so it’s time to turn that frown upside down and spend a little bit of time smiling at yourself. Sounds a bit daft I know, but the practice of smiling at yourself in a mirror combined with repeating positive self-affirmations (things like – I am loved, I am worth it, I matter etc.) all help build better self-confidence and when you feel good you automatically look good. You only have to look at someone else smiling to notice how much it lights up the face, makes them look younger, and just generally gives people a warmer glow. It’s free, it’s easy, and it takes up no time at all.
9. Apply Sunscreen
To avoid getting age spots, patchy darkened areas of skin, and of course to lower the risk of skin cancer the application of a good quality, high factor sunscreen is an absolute must. And don’t go thinking sunscreen is just for holidays or only for your body. Your face is one of the most exposed areas and so it is essential you protect it. Some moisturisers and foundations will include an SPF within them so make sure to check the label. And remember don’t go any lower than Factor 50.
10. Go To Bed Earlier
Sleep is essential for good health, but it also does wonders for the appearance of our skin too. Getting the right amount of good quality sleep will give your skin enough time to repair itself fully: blood flow increases, collagen supplies are replenished, and facial muscles relax. Not getting enough sleep will result in your complexion looking dull and tired looking, which is exactly how you’ll feel. To ensure you get a good night’s sleep make sure you stop using devices at least an hour before going to bed and do something relaxing instead like taking a bath, meditating, reading, or writing in your journal. And of course, don’t forget to do your night time skincare routine too. But that’s a whole different blogpost!
*Article written in collaboration with FOREO Sweden. All views and words are my own.