5 Lifestyle Changes To Help You Recover From Heart Surgery

Heart surgery is a terrifying prospect, and living with, and through, the physical and emotional effects of open-heart surgery can be daunting. You may find that things need to be different, and there are lifestyle changes that need to be made.

Recovery after heart surgery can take a long time and the effects could be life-altering. It is therefore important to seek compensation through cardiac negligence claims if you believe that you received a substandard level of care.

Below we’re going to give a run-through of small but effective lifestyle changes you can make to help with recovery after heart surgery:

How Does Heart Surgery Impact Your Life?

Finding out there is something wrong with your heart is not a situation any of us want to find ourselves in. From simple procedures to something more serious, the outcomes can be life-changing.

Heart surgery can be a risky procedure and the strain it can put on the body can be substantial. It can take weeks to recover enough to be discharged, and once you do, you’ll be expected to make lifestyle changes. The procedures on implanting an ICD are one such example. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the important points to consider before and after undergoing such a procedure.

Making small and healthy changes to your life can have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing, which can help a lot with the recovery process.

Lifestyle Changes You Can Make

Below will be taking a look at five healthy lifestyle changes you can make after heart surgery…

1. Quit Smoking

Smoking is something a lot of people do every day, but it can make your health a lot worse. It has been proven to be damaging to the heart and lungs and cause cancer, so if you want to safely make lifestyle changes after a major operation, quitting is a good thing to do.

2. Light Exercise

Light exercise is one of the most important things you can do to try and make a positive change after a heart operation. Most likely, you will be referred to a physiotherapist who will guide you on safe exercise because you may find that for a while after the operation you have a reduced aerobic capacity.

3. Improving Diet

One of the biggest contributing factors to heart problems is a poor diet. Diets that are heavily processed and contain bad fats, salts, and sugars and are low in vegetables and fruits are bad for you.

If you want to make a positive lifestyle change, you should aim to increase the number of fruits and vegetables you eat and cut high-fat processed foods.

4. Manage Stress

Stress can be a big contributor to heart problems because as the term suggests it puts the body under strain. New research has found that feeling stressed all the time could raise the risk of heart attack or stroke, which should speak volumes about just how problematic it can be. When it comes to managing stress, one of the best things that you can do is to try and remove yourself from stressful situations where possible.

5. Limit Alcohol Intake

If you want to try and make a healthy lifestyle change, then it can be worth cutting down on alcohol consumption. Generally, having the odd drink now and again is not a problem, but overindulgence is not recommended. You may have medication where alcohol is a contraindication which means you will have to stop drinking it.

Adopting A Healthier Lifestyle

Making healthy lifestyle changes after you’ve had heart surgery is very sensible. Your doctor will often give you a recommended list of changes to make specific to your situation. It is advisable that you follow the suggestions as best you can.

Anything that helps you live a longer and healthier life is positive, and although you may feel frustrated, focus on the benefits to you and your loved ones. If you don’t know what changes to make, then do speak to a medical professional, and just remember that anything that will get you a healthier way of living is a good idea.

Please be advised that this article is for general informational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for advice from a trained medical professional. Be sure to consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if you’re seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment. We are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information on this site.

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