5 Signs You Might Have Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a condition that affects cells just outside of the uterus. It usually comprises growths.  Why endometriosis develops isn’t currently known. Women who have endometriosis are more likely to experience periods of infertility.

Many women with the condition don’t have any symptoms. In which case, the only way to diagnose the condition is to go for a scan. However, there are some telltale signs that indicate that you might have the condition. Here’s what to look out for.

Pain During Examinations

If you experience pain during a pelvic examination, it could be a sign of endometriosis. Usually, examinations shouldn’t hurt unless you have a known condition. If they do hurt, then it is a sign that you may have growths in unwanted areas.

Difficulty Getting Pregnant

Likewise, if you are struggling to get pregnant, that too could be a sign of endometriosis. Most women are able to get pregnant within twelve months of consistently trying. However, if you take longer than this, then it could be a sign of infertility. Couples typically seek infertility treatment if no pregnancy occurs within two years.


Cramping is another telltale sign of endometriosis – a condition you can read more about at dereklok.com.au. You can experience different types of cramps depending on the location of the growths. Cramping symptoms vary dramatically between individuals.

Some women, for instance, experience cramping pains during urination. This typically occurs when growths interfere with the nerves supplying the bladder. Cramping can also occur during bowel movements. Again, this typically happens because growths are interfering with the normal function of the tissue.

How much cramping hurts can vary considerably in patients with endometriosis. Sometimes, the cramps are minimal and you hardly notice that they are there. Other times, they can prevent you from working.

Pain During Sex

Pain during sex is another common sign of endometriosis. If sex hurts, then you will need to go to the doctors for a checkup to see what is causing the problem. Painful sex can have a number of factors that contribute to it, not just endometriosis.

Pelvic Pain

Lastly, general pelvic pain is another sign of possible endometriosis, according to https://www.medicinenet.com. Usually, pelvic pain is highest just before you menstruate and then goes down after menstruation.

Researchers don’t believe that there is a relationship between the amount of pain that you have and the extent of the disease. You can have serious pain with only very minor growths, and mild to no pain with extreme or serious growths that change the shape of your abdomen.

Healthy couples experiencing infertility should try to rule out endometriosis. It is common to find growths in people who have no symptoms (other than infertility) at all.

Endometriosis can sometimes lead to the development of scar tissue that can damage the reproductive organs. That’s why doctors recommend that women go for checkups to determine the cause of their symptoms. Other common conditions associated with endometriosis include pain when urinating, lower back pain, constipation, heavy periods, and chronic fatigue.

*collaborative post

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