5 Tips For Healthy Eating With Diabetes

There are numerous types of diabetes and no two diabetics are the same. Therefore it is usually pretty hard to stipulate or generalize about the diet that is best suited to a diabetic. However, there are some dietary tips that you can use across the board in order to help you to make healthier choices that have an inherently positive impact on your overall health and condition. Read on to discover these five key tips or visit diabetesstrong.com for more information.

1. Eat Healthier Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates impact upon your blood glucose levels significantly. Thus, it is vital to ascertain which foods contain healthy carbs. You should be aware of the size of your portion also when you are eating foods that contain an abundance of carbohydrates. Some healthier forms of carbohydrates include fruit, vegetables, whole grains, unsweetened yogurt, and milk.

You should try to avoid or cut down on foods like white bread, as these are low in fiber. White rice is also considered to be a highly-processed cereal. If you are unsure, you should always check food labels prior to purchasing carbohydrate-filled food products.

2. Cut Down On Salt

Reducing your salt intake can drastically increase your risk of having high blood pressure which inherently increases your risk of developing heart diseases. When you are diagnosed as diabetic, you also have an increased risk of developing these conditions. Thus, it is imperative that you cut down on your salt intake.

Limiting your intake to a maximum of one teaspoonful of salt per day is a wise idea. However, you should also check food labels carefully prior to consuming food products, as many food products will contain an abundance of salt already. Cooking a dish from scratch will help you to measure how much salt you are ingesting. You can always swap salt for alternative spices that add an extra kick to your food.

3. Eat Less Processed Meat

If you are reducing your intake of carbohydrates, then you may be tempted to have a larger portion of meat in order to properly fill your stomach. However, if you are diabetic, it is not advisable to replace carbs with red or processed meat. This is because these meats are closely linked to heart disease and cancers. Thus, you should swap these meats for fish, pulses, eggs, Turkey, and unsalted nuts.

Lentils, peas, and beans are incredibly high in fiber. They also do not impact on your blood glucose levels in a negative way, ensuring that they act as the perfect substitute for red meat. Oily fish like mackerel and salmon are also great alternatives to red meat. These fish also contain an abundance of omega-3 oil, which inherently protects the heart. Thus, you should try to consume two portions of oily fish per week if yo have diabetes.

4. Increase Your Intake Of Fruit And Veg

Consuming an abundance of fruit and veg is always a good idea. This is because fruit and veg is laden with an abundance of vitamins, fiber, and minerals that assist your body, ensuring that you remain healthy.

You may be wondering whether you need to avoid fruit due to the sugar content. The answer is that whole fruit is good for you regardless of whether you have diabetes or not. This is because fruit contains natural sugar which is vastly different to the sugar contained in biscuits and cakes.

Eating whole fruits as opposed to sipping on fruit juices is always recommended as fruit juices are counted as added sugar. You should try to eat whole fruits in small portions throughout your day as opposed to in large quantities.

5. Choose Healthy Fats

Fat provides us with energy. However, different types of fat will have different impacts on the body. Healthier fats can be found in food products like seeds, avocados, oily fish, olive oil, sunflower oil, and unsalted nuts.

Consuming saturated fats is far less healthy for your body as these increase your cholesterol levels which inherently increases your risk of developing heart disease. These saturated fats are usually found in products like butter, biscuits, pies, pastries, ghee, and processed meat products.

It is highly recommended that you cut down on using oil when cooking. Instead, you should opt to grill, steam, or bake your food instead of frying it.


To conclude, this article has outlined five key tips that will help to ensure that you are eating healthily and managing your diabetes accordingly. It is difficult to stipulate one specific diet that is suitable for all diabetics due to the vast nature of the condition. However, following these key tips will ensure that your body remains healthy overall, inherently reducing your symptoms.

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