6 Healthy Ways To Spend Your Free Time

In our busy modern lives, ending up in the occasional juncture of boredom is a rare privilege. We should feel lucky for every bit of free time that we have on our hands. Despite this, most of us put it to waste. Whether it’s by watching television, scrolling through social media or doing nothing at all to begin with.

Granted, we all need a break sometimes. But it’s worth noting that just like money, time is a limited commodity. However, unlike money, we can’t make more time. Once you spend it, you have only what is left. So, it would only make sense to ensure that every second you spend contributes to your wellbeing or that of those around you.

In fact, how you spend your free time has a far-reaching impact on your success in many aspects of life, especially in the professional world. It’s what differentiates the top 5% from the rest. They spend their free time on personal development, while the other 95% spend it on entertainment.

To help you identify where you should focus your efforts, read on to learn about 6 healthy ways to spend your free time.


Regular exercise can make you feel happier, more energetic and motivated. It can help you lose weight, gain muscle, prevent illness, sleep better, improve skin health, boost your memory and so much more. Even though most people already know this, there aren’t many who exercise more than a few minutes per week.

But exercise doesn’t have to take hours out of your day. A good weightlifting session only takes around 45 minutes. You can run pretty far in 30 minutes, and 15 minutes of yoga is all you need to see a noticeable improvement in your mental and physical wellbeing.

Find an activity you enjoy and dedicate a few days per week to it. The shorter the session, the more often you can do it. Delving into a certain sport can also help you meet new people and build connections. Consider swimming, running, tennis, frisbee, golf, basketball, soccer, dancing, cycling… there’s bound to be one you’ll fall in love with.


Instagram pictures and YouTube videos may do a better job at spiking your dopamine, but reading can be just as enjoyable when you find a good book to dive into. Most people tend to enjoy fiction more, but there’s a boundless amount of knowledge and wisdom to be gained from nonfiction titles.

Nonfiction books can help you become more informed and open minded. Consider topics such as psychology, philosophy and biographies of successful people. It can even be something simpler that helps you develop a useful life skill, such as a cooking book.

Take Care of Something

There are many benefits to nurturing something and it doesn’t have to be something that requires a great deal of responsibility, such as a pet. Instead, it can be something as simple as a plant. Taking care of one will help you relax, feel better and get you excited about something that is genuinely good.

Perhaps best of all, it costs next to nothing. In fact, taking care of a plant that produces something, be it herbs, fruits or vegetables, can actually save you money. If you prefer to take care of something a little more inanimate, consider starting a collection. These days, there are countless trinkets and doodads to collect.

For instance, you can start building a collection of different cannabis seeds. You can now buy cannabis seeds UK legally through websites such as discountcannabisseeds.co.uk. Here you can choose from thousands of different weed seeds and catch the daily discounts. It would prove to be a most fascinating object to collect. Plus, you can eat them too. Wholesale cannabis seeds like the ones from https://www.bulk-seeds.co.uk/ can be bought legally for collection purposes.


Perhaps you want to advance in the professional world. Maybe you just want to learn something new or expand your general knowledge. The good news is that the internet has made it easier than ever to access a wealth of information on just about anything.

Want to develop your own apps or start a career in programming? You can take free online courses through websites such as Udemy, Khan Academy and Codecademy. Need to learn a new language before travelling somewhere? Websites such as Duolingo, Memrise, Babbel and FluentU will help you make it happen.

Taking the initiative to develop a mindset of lifelong learning puts you a major step above the rest of society. Most people stop learning when they’re no longer obliged to. Those that continue expanding their knowledge after graduating are often the most successful. Find something you enjoy and learn more about it.


No matter when, how or where, volunteering is one of the most noble and beneficial ways to spend your free time – both for you and your community. Whether it involves cleaning up the coastline, feeding the hungry in a soup kitchen, mentoring young aspiring professionals or caring for animals in need, the value of your contribution is immeasurable.

Giving back to the community is an act that every successful professional recognises the importance of. Making the world around you a better place makes it a better place for you as well. Volunteering is also another opportunity to meet new people and form connections that could prove valuable in your personal or professional life.


Speaking of which, one should never underestimate the value of networking – both for your career and personal development. Successful people are those who are willing to step outside their comfort zones and build new relationships. The larger your social network, the more opportunities you’ll have in the future.

There are many more healthy ways to spend your free time. This includes journaling, writing, gardening, walking, drawing, cooking, learning an instrument and meditating. Make a note of these types of activities and keep it nearby.

This way, whenever you’re feeling bored, rest-assured you’ll have a healthy and productive way to spend that time. You’ll quickly notice the astounding benefits it’ll have on your life once you make a habit of making every second count.

*collaborative post

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