Over the past few decades, more and more people from all over the world are turning to plastic surgery. Procedures such as breast augmentation, rhinoplasty and tummy tucks are among the most popular being carried out at private hospitals and clinics.
While it is true that the majority of plastic surgery that takes place is for cosmetic reasons, such as to alter the shape of an individual’s nose or increase the size of their breasts, there are also a number of health reasons why it is done too.
Why Do People Have Plastic Surgery?
As mentioned previously, most people have procedures in order to change the way they look. A huge number of men and women all around the world have serious issues with how they look. Their self-confidence is gone and they find themselves extremely anxious about their appearance.
With the constant exposure on television and on social media about the types of bodies and looks that people have to have, a lot of self-criticism takes place behind closed doors, especially with teenagers and people in their early 20s. Everyone wants to feel and look beautiful, and lots of people see cosmetic plastic surgery as the way to achieve this.
Popular Treatments
There are a number of cosmetic surgery procedures that are very popular. At one of the top rated plastic surgeries in the US, Masri Clinic offers a wide selection of procedures at their various locations.
One of these is breast augmentation, which is the most requested procedure, with enlargement and reduction being highly desired. This is followed by Rhinoplasty, which is the reshaping of the nose.
Then there are body lifts, which include specific procedures such as arm lifts, tummy tucks or buttock enhancing. Fat reduction procedures are also very popular with Liposuction being one of the most in demand.
What Are Tummy Tucks?
The tummy tuck procedure, known officially as Abdominoplasty, is where excess fat and skin are removed from the abdominal region. It can also help to restore weakened muscles, creating a body profile that is firmer and smoother.
Everyone dreams of a flat stomach, but very few of us can actually achieve it. Keeping in shape with regular exercise is something that many people try, but it’s not always possible, especially when you take into consideration everyday things such as work and family. Even maintaining a healthy and balanced diet can be difficult for many people.
Why Does Our Stomach Protrude?
There are a number of reasons why our stomachs start to sag or protrude outwards. For many people, it’s simply a sign of aging. Over time, our muscles weaken and our skin starts to get droopy, which leads to the inevitable development of a sagging stomach.
Other reasons are due to pregnancy, where the skin and surrounding tissue is greatly expanded over the pregnancy term. It could also be the result of prior surgery that you may have had take place several years before. Another common cause is that it is simply heredity.
Are There Limitations Of A Tummy Tuck?
What is important to be aware of is that a tummy tuck is not a solution to lose weight or to replace regular exercise. It is also not a procedure for correcting stretch marks, due to pregnancy or weight issues.
What a tummy tuck does is simply remove the excess fat and skin from your abdomen. It’s results are permanent, though this will of course depend on your diet and lifestyle. If your weight is not managed properly, then you may find that the results of the procedure become less evident.
It is advised to postpone a tummy tuck procedure if you are planning a future pregnancy, or if you are very overweight and will be starting a strict and dedicated weight loss program.
How Safe Is A Tummy Tuck?
There are a number of risks associated with a tummy tuck, just as there are with any other type of medical procedure. Some of the risks include infection, bleeding, poor healing of the wound, scarring and some other more serious issues such as deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary and cardiac complications.
The healing process of a tummy tuck can also take a long time. It is said that to completely heal from the procedure could take up to a year. It is very common to experience bruising, swelling and redness around the abdomen area for several weeks after the procedure.
There will also be a permanent scar along your abdomen, though the incision will be one that will be in a straight live from hip to hip along the pubic bone. Gradually the scar will fade, but it won’t disappear completely.
Some final thoughts
Whenever you are considering any type of cosmetic plastic surgery such as Rhinoplasty or liposuction, it is important that you consult with a specialist.
The surgeon you choose should be one with a great deal of experience in the procedure you want to have. They should explain both the procedure and the associated risks to you very clearly.
*collaborative post