Dear Diary – My Weekly Teenage Diary From 1994

And so the ongoing saga with Percy continues in my diary entries this week. Does he like me? Will he phone? Is he like this with everyone or just me? Or is he really after my best friend and using me to get to her? Waaaaaahhhhh the teenage angst is real. Totally feeling sorry for my teenage self this week, but also desperately want to give her a smack around the chops and tell her to wise up!

Saturday 23rd April

Went into Chippenham so Mum could get me some revision guides, but before that I went off on my own for an hour. This old tramp came up to me and asked whether I had a cigarette on me. I just said no and walked off. He was so slimy and disgusting. I found the perfect lipstick, it’s just what I’ve been looking for, it’s really au naturale. I also bought 2 singles – PJ and Duncan’s ‘Why Me’ and Eternal’s ‘Step From Heaven’. I’ve been buying so much music lately, but it’s just so much easier to buy than clothes because I can never make up my mind. What I really want is some more underwear and some boots.

Sunday 24th April

I’ve revised really hard today and and I feel like I’m going to do really well in these exams. I hope I do. Sheila’s hardly done any revising. I wish she had, I want her to do well. How can you expect to do well if you don’t revise? First of all she said she wasn’t going to go to Nadine’s, but now she’s changed her mind. She wants to go out with Tarquin Charles. Now this may be jealousy, but he’s about 17 for crying out loud and he’s twice as tall as her. It’ll be embarrassing because Nadine’s family know. It’ll all end in tears, you wait.

Monday 25th April

The exams we had today weren’t that bad actually. I found the English one the easiest and the Maths one definitely the hardest. It was bloody hard. I got really freaked about it. Percy first of all took the piss out of me so I told him to piss off. He then said he didn’t mean it and that I should chill a bit because I was smart. What a cutie. Anyway, I answered all the questions so at least I tried my hardest, which is more than I can say for some people. Percy being one of them. But hey, who am I to criticize. I absolutely adore him, but he still has his faults.

Tuesday 26th April

The French listening was easier than the German one. I was so amazed, but I know I’ve got a couple wrong. I’ve found out my Maths results so far and they’re really rubbish. I’m not going to tell Mum until I have to. Mrs Saunders said I made quite a few silly mistakes, but I suppose at least I should be grateful I got over half. I found the Geography test quite easy even though I used up 11 1/4 sides. My hand really hurt afterwards. Percy wished me luck again. Oh he’s so sweet. He’s going on this Art trip tomorrow. I hope he sits by where I sit then I’ll be able to talk to him. I’m sitting next to Betty.

Wednesday 27th April

What a day! Went to the Tate gallery and we saw none other than Malcolm, the male model from J17. Me and Betty went up and got his autograph. God how swoonsome. On the way back I sat next to Percy because towards the end he’d been following me and I was a bit mad with him because he was hitting me. I felt a bit guilty because he went all quiet, but he was OK. We talked about some things and he tickled me! He mentioned that we should go out on Saturday to the cinema or something. Wow, am I making progress or what. Nothing’s been finalised. He said he’d harass me about it tomorrow. I hope we can go without Sheila and Tommy.

Thursday 28th April

I was so knackered today. Percy didn’t say much to me but I kind of semi-destroyed our sort of date on Saturday. The thing was Sheila asked me to go to Bristol with her on Saturday and I told her I didn’t know yet, not mentioning Percy. Anyway, he told me about a film that was being released and I said I’d have to go with Sheila and he said well forget about it then. Muck up or what. I phoned Sheila this evening and she asked whether I could go so I told her Percy had asked me first and that I’d see what he says. So I’ll ask him tomorrow to see if he still wants to go into Swindon. Sheila won’t be able to go, so we’ll be on our own. Totally swoonsome.

Friday 29th April

I approached Percy and he said he’d think about it. So I subtly asked him for his phone number and told him I’d phone him tonight and see what he thinks. He wants Sheila to come but I know she can’t so I don’t know whether he’ll go anywhere with just me. Anyway, I phoned at about 8.10 but he wasn’t there and his mum said he’ll probably be back by about 10.00 so I have to phone him then. I hope he’s in when I next phone otherwise I’ll have to leave him my number and ask his mum to tell him to phone me. The thing is if I do this he’ll either not phone or he’ll phone about 12.00 and then I’ll really be in Mum’s bad book.

Tune in next week for more 1994 action teenage diary fans!

*names have been changed to protect the not so innocent

Did you miss last week’s 1994 Teenage Diary?

If so why not head on over and have a read –

Love my 1994 Teenage Diary? Then you will definitely want to check out my Monthly 1993 Diary!

You can read May here –


Author Bio

Becky Stafferton is a full time blogger over on her website The Art of Healthy Living, mum of 2 and certified Queen of the hashtags. She continually strives to promote a realistic, sustainable and positive image of how to lead a healthy life. When she’s not writing she can be found swigging Prosecco from the bottle, running through muddy puddles, making lists of lists, having a good old moan, scoffing flapjacks and squatting like her life depends on it.

She can be found on:

Facebook – @thisishealthyliving

Twitter – @ArtHealthLiving

Instagram – @arthealthyliving

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