Fig and Walnut Flapjacks

Pile of rectangular flapjacks with figs and walnuts in them sat on a cream cake stand

Ooooo I loves me a fig I do. There’s just something so decadent about being presented with a plate festooned with figs, goats cheese and a generous drizzle of honey. I’ve combined them with walnuts in this week’s #FlapjackFriday recipe for fig and walnut flapjacks simply because they just go so well together.

Plus the nutritional benefits really do stack up with the figs giving you a boost of vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, potassium, and chlorine, and the walnuts hitting you with a whole heap of healthy fats as well as vitamin E, melatonin, and various antioxidants.

But aside from anything else they taste flippin’ delicious – so get baking flapjack fans, because the sooner you make them the sooner you can EAT them!

What’s In My Fig And Walnut Flapjacks?

  • 150g Oats
  • 100g Fresh Figs
  • 100g Walnuts
  • 100ml Honey
  • 50g Unsalted Butter

How Do I Make Fig And Walnut Flapjacks

Chop the figs into quarters and place in a saucepan with the agave nectar and butter.

Heat until the butter has melted and the figs have gone all gooey and delicious.

Chop the walnuts – ideally you want a mixture of larger and smaller pieces to help give a contrast of textures.

Remove the saucepan from the hob and stir in the oats and walnuts until well coated.

Spoon the oat mixture into the holes of a greased individual flapjack tin (you should get about 8 with this recipe) and bake in a moderate oven for 15-20 minutes or until the tops have gone golden.

Leave to cool and harden up in the tin before scooping out and DEMOLISHING!

TOP TIP – Haven’t got any fresh figs? These fig and walnut flapjacks work just as well with dried figs, but give them a good soaking to soften them up before using.

Have you got a healthy flapjack recipe that you would like to feature in #FlapjackFriday?

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