How You Can Get In Shape By Training Muay Thai In Thailand

a pair of blue boxing gloves

The truth is, going to the gym has more benefits than cutting out any excess carbs. It has an impact on the way you think and how your body functions.

However, for you to get the results you want, it is crucial that you think about the right routine for you. The wrong routine means that you will have to apply more energy in order to see those results. One method that you could try out is a self-defense class and today we’re going to look at Muay Thai as our our case study.

What Happens In The Self-Defense Class?

In self-defense, you are likely to get two critical benefits. The first one is that you will be able to defend yourself in case of an emergency, and the second one is that it will help you get in shape.

Your trainer will have to take you through an intense cardio workout first. Typically, experts classify the two type of exercises into the aerobic, which focuses on building endurance, and anaerobic that strengthens your muscles; hence, you can fight whether as an athlete or during a situation that demands your skills.

People can join various self-defense classes, but one of the most active ones is muay thai boxing in thailand.

Here are some of the ways you can get in shape while you learn this technique.


Your trainer will recommend that you do this every day. I mean, every boxer or trainee does it, especially when they are preparing for a significant fight. As you run, your body begins to adapt to different terrain and burns calories in the process.

Recommendations from trainers include:

  •    Keeping a steady pace while running.
  •    Running for at least 30 minutes per day.
  •    Increasing the minutes as a way to challenge your body

Other than long distance running, you could also opt for shorter sprints. Sprints are essential for increasing speed and power, which you require once you get in the ring. It also helps in reducing the amount of lactic acid within your body.

Jumping Ropes

Almost all trainers recommend this exercise. Before they start training you, they will expect you to do several rounds. Try different jumping types while you do this and don’t forget to handle the ropes at hip length.

To get extra benefit from this exercise, it is always good to increase the number of rounds. You should expect it to become easier the more you do it, but then you should do more to ensure it pushes your body to go beyond your limits.

Practice Punching And Kicking

Gym trainers typically use three methods when it comes to learning how to kick and throw jabs.

You will have to practice:

  • Shadow boxing, where you stand in front of a mirror and throw jabs.
  • Bag training, which is common in boxing, Tae Kwondo, and Kick Boxing.
  • Clinching drills help to develop the required strength. The training should go up to 20 minutes or so.
  • Pad work, where you practice boxing pads – you may also want some gloves for muay thai training to help protect your hands.

Change Your Attitude

After you find the right type of gym, it is always good to watch your mindset. You have to be humble enough to accept correction. Deal with the thought that you are good at throwing punches or kicks. Your attitude could also destroy your relationship with your trainer; hence, you may lack the appropriate results.

*collaborative post

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