What food can't you live without?
"I definitely couldn’t live without eggs in my life! They are just the most handy snack, meal, protein-packed little morsels!"
What three things would you take with you to a desert island?
"Now this is tricky! I have been known to pack a kettlebell in my luggage before! Was then stopped at customs on arrival at said desert island and totally blamed the husband for packing a bomb-like object in the case!
An inspirational book to keep me chipper. A savage swim bikini because they are lush. A massive tub of nut butter…just because."
What is your favourite smell and why?
"Very cheesy (well the smell isn’t, but the thought is), but the smell of my husband on the pillow if he is away."
Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner?
"Oh my goodness, definitely breakfast."
Where is your dream destination?
"I’d love to say a white beach somewhere hot, but the reality is I’m not great at doing nothing. I like adventure and action. I’d like to go to The Rockies in Canada, and explore."
What is your most annoying habit?
"Snoring. Apparently!"
What's your mantra?
"Simplicity. On a mission not to over complicate, overthink and over-do!"
What do you want to be when you grow up?
"I’d love to be a successful influencer, having grown a community of females of all ages who aspire to be better versions of them-selves; to be able to have confidence in their bodies and to go through life in the best possible health."