How To Have A DIY Spa Day That Feels Like The Real Thing

woman lying in the bath with a big white towel on her head and she is reading a magazine having created a diy spa at home

How long have you been daydreaming about an hour-long massage, a hair mask that detangles and revitalizes, and a perfect steam-room session to literally blow off some steam from your everyday stress? Chances are that your work, family life, and a number of other chores and errands prevent you from booking that weekend getaway. However, that doesn’t mean you cannot have a little bit of wellness at home, with some DIY wizardry and a few carefully chosen ingredients.

In fact, on some rainy Fridays, that will beat a ride to the spa and mingling and politely smiling at others. Sometimes, all you need is some good background music, a tasty smoothie, perhaps a glass of wine, and the following beauty tricks to unwind.

Nothing Beats A Good Facial

It’s like a cherry on top of your perfectly fluffy chocolate-mocha cupcake. Can you possibly imagine a spa session without a refreshing facial mask loaded with all those antioxidants to plump up your pores? Neither can we, really. To mimic that idyllic spa experience, start by sneaking a peek into your kitchen cabinets in search of a splendid face mask.

Ingredients such as honey, delicious avocado, some sea salt, or your trusty aloe plant can all serve to juice up your complexion. Of course, you can always rely on your favourite store-bought packaged facial masks, and reap the same rewards. It simply depends on what your pores prefer.

Create That Zen Mood

The essence of any professional spa parlour is the vibe they manage to create. As soon as you enter their beloved establishment, you feel as if you’ve abandoned the hectic, messy, buzzing world behind and immersed yourself into what we imagine heaven should feel like. The lingering floral fragrance, the comfy sofas, the soothing sauna heat – you can recreate the mood in your home by paying more attention to the atmosphere.

You can start by tapping into your scented candle supplies in order to give your rooms that tranquil aroma to relax your mind and your body. Choose the music you know will help you to let go of any negative thoughts, and dim the lights just enough to prepare for that bubble bath. And finally, a few drops of essential oils into the tub, and your skin is in for a proper spa treat.

Water As Your Best Friend

Don’t have a bathtub? No reason to worry, because even a simple shower can do the trick when you add a few details to your ritual. One way to do this is to use a shower head that can turn a regular bath into a true massage. Add to that a few handy accessories such as shower brushes and gloves, and your skin will enjoy the perks of exfoliation paired with the therapeutic effects of a simple massage.

Want to take it a notch or two up with your shower game? We dare you to try changing the water temperature from hot to cold in regular intervals. Such a simple trick, and yet it can help improve your circulation, which will in turn help your skin use more of those moisturising lotions you’ll lather on afterwards.

Rejuvenate Your Gaze

After a week, or several weeks of long days at the office, difficult workouts, and stressful client meetings, your eyes may have that tired look. The puffy eyelids, the dark circles, and the general lack of vigour can all be treated with a few kitchen-approved ingredients you most likely have in your cabinets. Cucumber slices have long been used as eye rejuvenation treatment, and if you’re in need of a quick freshening-up, this mighty plant is the way to go.

If you’re happy to put some more effort into your eye treatment, you can use tea bags which you’ve previously used to boil yourself a cup of tea – a double benefit for your wellness day at home! After dipping the tea bags into hot water, you should let them cool to room temperature, and then you can even place them in the fridge for a while. This will help you get even more blood flow to the area and let your eyes use the wonderful benefits of green tea.

Sometimes, a little can indeed go a long way in helping you perk up your skin and improve your mood, as well. If you don’t have the time or the budget to fit a monthly or a weekly visit to your local spa, use these simple tips to rethink your own self-care rituals into more spa-like experiences – your skin and your wellbeing will thank you!

Author Bio

Sophia Smith is an Australian based fashion, beauty and lifestyle blogger. She is very passionate about organic beauty products, yoga and healthy lifestyle. Sophia writes mostly in beauty and lifestyle related topics, mainly through blogs and articles. She is regular contributor at High Style Life and Ripped.

Find her on: Facebook Twitter Google +

Sophia is one of our experts – you can find out more about her and ask her anything beauty related by heading over to her expert profile page here.

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