How Parental Addiction Affects Children: 10 Negative Side-Effects You Should Be Aware Of

Addiction not only affects an individual, but an entire family. It’s important to note that children can also be affected as well. This guide will go over the negative side effects.

Gallus Detox knows that those suffering with addiction can get the help they need. It’s time to make a decision that your life depends on. The sooner you get started with your addiction treatment, the better.

For more information, visit the Gallus Detox website. Now, let’s take a look at the following list of side-effects below.


Parents who are dealing with addiction will often neglect their children. This will include their basic needs such as shelter, food, and medical care. An addiction may drain a parent of their attention and resources.

Children will be left with little to nothing. They may also be facing larger challenges such as hunger, homelessness, and illnesses that may go untreated.


Parents will often abandon their children. They may leave them by themselves or in the care of others. Children may feel like they are unloved, unwanted, or rejected by their parents.

Children may have difficulties with attachment issues. Developing relationships as they get older may be a challenge. This is further proof that addiction can harm children.

The damage is more than anyone can realize. Getting the help you need will ensure that your children will grow up living healthier, fulfilling lives.


Those who are addicted to drugs or alcohol may exhibit abusive behavior towards their children. This includes physical and emotional abuse. This can include a parent lashing out at their children because of their own stress and frustrations.

Children will often be the target of their parent’s anger or aggression. Physical injuries, emotional trauma, and psychological damage is possible. For this reason, families are often broken up.

Children will be in the custody of state social services. Siblings will be separated from one another, which can be a difficult situation for each other. They may live in separate living arrangements such as foster homes.

Exposure To Substance Abuse

In a home where substance abuse is present, children may witness this at an early age. They will witness their parents indulging in drugs or alcohol. It may get to the point where parents may encourage their own children to participate.

It may develop substance abuse issues not only throughout their childhood years, but also when they become adults. It should come as no surprise that some adolescents and teens may have already abused substances.

While a majority of them do this just to fit in, others are already exposed to it. Therefore, it is important to set an example for your children. Getting the help you need as soon as possible will lessen this risk of them abusing substances.


Addiction can cause a child’s home life to be unstable. That’s because a parent who is addicted will be unpredictable and unreliable. They may also lack a certain structure or routine.

This may cause children to develop insecurities and uncertainties about their future. It’s at this point where they may develop certain mental disorders such as anxiety and depression.

Financial difficulties

It’s clear that financial difficulties and addiction go hand in hand. This can also lead to a negative impact on a child’s well-being. This means that a person may have basic necessities including school supplies, clothes, and healthcare.

This can also lead to children being relocated on a regular basis. This is another example of home instability. Moving from one place to the next constantly can happen due to a parent’s inability to pay rent or maintain a stable home.


Children of addicted parents can experience a range of traumatic events. These include experiencing neglect and abuse. They may also witness instances of domestic violence.

Either way, experiencing trauma can lead to various mental disorders. This includes depression, anxiety, and PTSD. These are common disorders which someone can self-medicate through the use of substances.

This is another example of children of addicts having a higher than likely chance of developing one themselves. It is important that those who are addicted must do it for themselves and their children.

No child should have to deal with traumatic events. Especially in a home that is supposed to be stable.


Children of addicted parents may face stigmatization or discrimination. This can be from their peers or society as a whole. Yes, a stigma for addiction does exist.

But like addiction itself, the stigma associated with it can be spread to the children. This can lead to a child feeling ashamed of their parents. Likewise, they may feel like they are isolated from their peers or the rest of society as a whole.

Learning Difficulties

The children of addicts may deal with learning difficulties. This includes a lack of motivation, poor academic performance, and frequent absenteeism. However, this can be connected to home instability, neglect, or emotional trauma.

Educators and school administrators may even pick up on evidence regarding a child’s unstable home life. They may even notice evidence of physical or mental abuse. It is important that educators and administrators must take concern for these signs.

An educator or administrator reserves the right to report possible physical or mental abuse to the proper authorities. These can include law enforcement or child social services.

Risky Behavior

Children of addicted parents will have a higher than likely chance to engage in risky behavior. This can include drug abuse, criminal activity, or even sexual activity. This can be due to the amount of exposure they have experienced from such things.

Other factors can include a lack of parental supervision and emotional trauma. Unfortunately, this will likely continue in the children of addicts. It is important that parents dealing with addiction must get the help they need as soon as possible.

Not only will it yield a positive impact for themselves, but also for their families. It’s never too late to get the help you need now.

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