How The Everyday Products You Love Can Destroy Your Health

We all like to think that regulators are protecting us by testing every product that manufacturers make. But that’s not even close to the truth. Yes – brands must avoid putting outright harmful ingredients into their products. But beyond that, they pretty much have free rein. And that means that they may sometimes include elements or ingredients that are not conducive to your long-term wellbeing.

In this post, we take a look at some of the common products in your home that could potentially destroy your health.


How do manufacturers get their perfumes to smell the way that they do? Well, in the past, they would turn to nature. But today, thanks to synthetic production, many chemical ingredients come from labs. And this means that you’re at much higher risk.

Researchers, for instance, already know that perfumes contain acetone, linalool and ethyl acetate. These compounds can irritate the skin, cause drowsiness, dizziness and nausea. However, there are many other ingredients that are brand-specific that science knows little about. And that’s worrying because it means that many perfumes haven’t been through any testing at all.

Cleaning Products

Cleaning products are supposed to keep your property hygienic. And, for the most part, they do. But in order to achieve that level of cleanliness, manufacturers often load them with toxic ingredients.

Using strong cleaners in your toilet doesn’t matter a great deal. But when you apply them to your kitchen or skin, that’s when trouble starts.

Be sparing with your use of commercial cleaning products. Where possible, seek natural alternatives.

Air Fresheners

Air fresheners are frequently at the center of consumer product litigation. That’s because they contain a large number of toxic chemicals that can harm the body.

Air fresheners should make your home smell fresh and eliminate odors – and products do that well. But they also add new chemicals to the environment, which could be dangerous.

Plastic Food Containers

Keeping food in plastic containers is a big no-no. Plastic products, such as phthalates, have a nasty habit of leaching into your food and then absorbing into the body. Here, they can have adverse neurological and reproductive effects. Steer clear of them where possible.


According to data, the average person uses between six and twelve cosmetic items per day, each of which contains dozens of unproven chemicals. This type of behavior is a problem for a couple of reasons. First, it means that the average person is exposing themselves to a cocktail of potentially unpleasant ingredients. And, second, they aren’t giving their bodies time to recover and process all the toxicity.

If possible, look for products that are fragrance-free and use mineral-based formulations. They’re not perfect, but they usually contain fewer damaging chemicals and therefore won’t destroy your health.


Antiperspirants work by blocking the ability of your pores to release sweat. To do this, manufacturers use aluminium. But this metal is associated with a range of serious medical conditions, including Parkinson’s and breast cancer.

Where possible, avoid using these products. Shift to natural deodorants that don’t contain aluminium as an active ingredient.

*collaborative post

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