How to Maintain Your Energy Levels During Quarantine

Feeling tired even though you’ve spent all day at home? Don’t worry – you’re not alone. Fatigue can occur due to several reasons: a sedentary lifestyle, too much screen time, high-stress levels, poor diet, and many more. Unfortunately, these all come together during quarantine, and this can leave us feeling more sluggish than ever.

However, there are some things you can do to fix that in order to help maintain your energy levels during this quarantine period.

Tip 1 – Stay Active

Working out when you are feeling tired all the time is definitely a challenge. However, it is also one of the best things you can do for your body.

According to a study by the University of Georgia, engaging in regular, low-intensity exercise can boost your energy levels by 20 percent and decrease your fatigue by up to 65 percent. Sure, your body might not be prepared for an intense workout at the gym (which is probably closed anyway). You can, however, find plenty of light exercise routines online which you could do at home without any equipment.

Tip 2 – Eat Healthily

Reaching for some potato chips while binge-watching Netflix can be a common scenario during the quarantine. However, it’s not a good idea to make that a habit. You are what you eat, after all.

While some foods ensure stable energy levels over a longer period of time, junk food does just the opposite. Fried and fast foods tend to be high in fat and low in fiber. This slows digestion and therefore reduces the speed at which energy-boosting nutrients enter the body. Sugary snacks, on the other hand, will only give you temporary insulin and a blood sugar spike, followed by a crash.

So, say no to those potato chips and opt for a balanced diet that includes whole grains, leafy greens, seeds and nuts, and lean meats instead. They’ll fill your body up with nutrients and give you the energy you need to get through the day.

Tip 3 – Supplement Your Diet

We know that eating right isn’t always easy. This is where energy supplements can help by giving your body that extra nutritional boost you need.

One possible explanation for low energy might be that you’re lacking a specific vitamin. Although it might sound easier to go for a multivitamin, look for a single vitamin supplement to ensure that your body is getting exactly what it needs. Some vitamins and minerals that work great for fatigue are B vitamins, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and zinc.

If you have a mild drop in your energy levels, you could go for a single-ingredient energy supplement. We recommend using adaptogenic herbs such as Ashwagandha and Maca root. These medicinal plants have been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for centuries for alleviating fatigue symptoms. Alternatively, you can also try other types of energy-boosting supplements such as Ginseng or Bacopa extract.

Tip 4 – Limit Caffeine

Coffee is a quick and easy pick-me-up when you are feeling tired. However, relying on it too much as an energy booster is not the best idea. Coffee actually interrupts an important neurotransmitter called adenosine which controls our energy levels. This makes the body unable to relax and keeps us in a constant state of stress and fatigue. Furthermore, if you drink too much of it, especially at the wrong time, coffee can lead to adrenal fatigue. This is a condition where your body is unable to produce enough hormones to help you cope with stress and makes you feel even more anxious and tired.

Other potential side effects of coffee include high blood pressure and digestive issues. So, while it is okay if consumed in moderation, we shouldn’t rely too much on coffee to boost our energy. Try to limit yourself to 1-2 cups at maximum.

Tip 5 – Stay Hydrated

The reason for your fatigue could be as simple as not drinking enough water. About 50% to 60% of your body weight is made up of water. However, you are constantly losing water through urine, sweat, and even breathing. When you don’t have enough fluids in your body, this can make you feel tired.

Don’t wait until you feel thirsty – make sure you drink water regularly throughout the day, at least 8 cups per day.


Step by step, you can change your lifestyle to help your body feel more energized in these difficult times. Once you start implementing those tips, you’ll surely notice a positive change very soon.

Stay safe and take care of your body!

*collaborative post

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