How To Test Your Cannabis Tolerance And Find Your Ideal Dosage

Whether you take it recreationally or for medical purposes, cannabis has a number of beneficial effects on the body. It heightens the senses, improves the mood, and can even relieve physical tension and pain. However, dosing cannabis correctly is critical for making the most of these benefits and avoiding any unpleasant side effects. Smoking or ingesting too much cannabis can lead to nausea, anxiety, paranoia, and more, so it’s important to be aware of your cannabis tolerance and dose accordingly.

Because our bodies all react differently to various substances, the ideal cannabis dose varies from person to person. However, it’s generally safe to say that the more frequently you’ve used cannabis in the past, the more likely your body is to tolerate it. This means that, if you’re a seasoned weed user, you’ll probably need to take higher doses before you start feeling its effects. Newcomers to cannabis, on the other hand, are best off consuming a little at a time and noting how their bodies react before trying a bigger dose.

If you’re still starting out with weed, knowing your ideal dose will help you use cannabis safely, achieve the highs you want, and even save some money in the process. Follow the tips below and you’ll be in a good position to make the most out of every cannabis delivery:

Choose The Right Cannabis Strain

Figuring out your ideal cannabis dosage begins by choosing the right strain for you. The many strains of cannabis out there will vary in terms of flavor, appearance, effects, and strength. This means that it’s entirely possible for you to have a completely different experience with two different cannabis strains, even if you consume the same amount of each.

The best way to figure out a good cannabis strain for you is to check the THC percentage of each. This information is usually listed online to help guide buyers. As a rule, very mild strains contain about 12% THC or less, while moderate strains contain 12-18%, and strong strains contain 18-20%. The most potent cannabis strains contain 20% THC or more. If you’re totally new to cannabis, you’re best off starting with a moderate strain as you build your tolerance. And if you want to try switching to a higher-potency strain later, be sure to reduce your quantity so you don’t accidentally consume too much.

Pick A Consumption Method You’re Comfortable With

Although smoking or vaping is probably the most widely known way to consume cannabis, it’s not the only way. Edibles, or food and beverage items infused with cannabinoids, are another popular consumption method. Certain cannabis products are more potent, more fast-acting, or longer-lasting than others, so it’s best to research each one carefully and figure out which method can get you the experience you’re looking for.

As a general rule, bear in mind that inhaling cannabis through smoking or vaping tends to have an immediate effect, while ingested cannabis takes effect much more slowly. As a tradeoff, the effects of edibles tend to last much longer than those of smoked cannabis.

Start “Low and Slow”

Whatever your chosen administration method, it’s best to begin with small doses of cannabis and to consume it slowly. If you’re smoking cannabis from a pipe or a joint, for example, resist the temptation to smoke it all up at once. Instead, take one hit at a time, paying careful attention to the effect each hit has on your body. Waiting between hits will help you decide if you enjoy a mild buzz or want to work your way up to something more intense.

Because edibles are typically stronger and slower to act than inhaled cannabis, it’s best to start with a low dose containing about 10mg of THC or less. To avoid overdosing by accident, you’ll also want to wait anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes after ingesting your first edible before eating more. This will give you time to assess the effects as they kick in.

Whether you’re ingesting or inhaling cannabis, it’s important not to increase your dose until the initial effects have settled and you decide you want a more intense high. It’s also best for new weed users to take weed for the first time in controlled, low-pressure environments, such as at home among trusted people. Parties, raves, and other loud gatherings are generally not safe settings to experiment with your first doses of weed in.

Balance Out THC With CBD

Even if you dose your weed carefully, you may, at times, still end up overshooting your initial estimates and consuming too much. When this happens, consuming the non-psychoactive cannabinoid CBD can help you counteract the effects of THC. If you find yourself overwhelmed and needing to temper your high, taking a little CBD oil and or eating a CBD-infused edible can help.

If you’ve done your research and know what to expect, figuring out your ideal dose and cannabis tolerance shouldn’t be too difficult. Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the tips above, it’s equally important to let go of any worries you might have and simply enjoy your first experiences with cannabis. With a calm mind and careful preparation, you’ll surely find your sweet spot sooner rather than later.

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