Living In England? Why A Good Solicitor Can Be Priceless

Parents have more to worry about in one day now than our parents and grandparents did in a year. At least, it feels that way sometimes, doesn’t it? From trying to guide our children in the minefield of gender pronouns and identity expression to just keeping them safe walking to and from school, our world just isn’t quite working the way it should on many levels. Now, this isn’t a call for the doomsayers, quite the opposite. We fully advocate a healthy and balanced life, with a filter that is doused with positivity but prepared – for realism.

When things are going well, we don’t think twice about keeping a solicitor’s telephone number at the ready, but boy are we happy to have that number when life hands us lemons – and there’s no tequila insight.

Why do you want a relationship with a local solicitor as opposed to just getting one when you need one?

Well, to answer that question you need to think about how your family’s life works. Are you and your significant other professional people with legal responsibilities, or are you just the ‘average joe’ trying to do the best you can? Both of these situations and everyone in between is unique and will mean that you will likely need more or less legal assistance during the course of your life.

For most of us, just having some kind of legal insurance will more than suffice and for the most part, we won’t need to retain the services of a million-pound solicitor – at least, we hope not.  Still, if you can forge something of a relationship with a local solicitor that you trust, even if they’re just doing your estate planning, wills, contracts and such, will help you faster in a difficult situation than if you’re going from a cold start. Solicitors can also provide character references and speak on your behalf in courtroom situations, so you’ll want someone that knows and understands you.

It is unfortunate, but steering your family through difficult medical situations is something that you may very well have to encounter at some stage in your life. In the UK for example, 1 in 400 babies are affected by Cerebral Palsey and you may only be able to undergo a full diagnosis by the time your child is 4 or 5 years old. However, not all doctors pick up on the right signs at the right time, and this could lead to a lifetime of additional expenses and planning that you had not planned for. So, you may need cerebral palsy solicitors to help you navigate this field – that is, just one example of course and we trust and hope that you’ll never have to use one.

The UK has a good healthcare system but negligence happens here, just as it does in the USA and other countries too and the language that we use to navigate these issues is one of currency – more specifically, cold, hard, cash. So don’t be put off seeking advice for damages and claims, that’s why the system exists at all – to protect you.

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