Moving In With A Partner For The First Time

Moving in with a partner can be a major milestone in a relationship. If you want to live a happy domestic life with your partner, however, it’s worth doing a little bit of preparation and planning. Failing to do so adequately can lead to disagreements and strife.

But exactly what kind of things are worth discussing in advance of the move?

Financial Planning And Transparency

If you aren’t upfront about the way that you’re going to handle money, then you might end up resenting your partner – or being resented by them. Make sure you understand how the bills are going to be split. For some couples, this will mean an even split; for others, it won’t. What matters is that you come to an agreement.

For shared costs, you might set up a joint account. This will leave you the freedom to spend, or save, with your own money. According to a recent survey, around a quarter of Brits in long-term relationships conceal their savings from their partners. This is not a recipe for a healthy relationship in the long term.

Legal Considerations And Cohabitation Agreements

If you’re cohabiting, then you won’t enjoy the same automatic rights as couples who are married. This might expose you to the risk of having your property taken from you in the event of a split. It’s often worth coming to a formal cohabitation agreement, which will resolve any ambiguity, and let both parties know exactly where they stand.

Bringing together all of your expenses might involve paying for things collectively. This can often save money for both parties. You can protect both your vehicles with multi-car insurance, for example.

Balancing Careers And Domestic Responsibilities

Since you’re living together, you’ll have a new set of domestic duties to attend to. It’s worth figuring out how this workload will be allocated. If one partner is earning vastly more than the other, then it might be sensible for that person to work long hours while their partner takes care of the dishes, the laundry, and the vacuuming. On the other hand, this assumption might not always be warranted. It’s worth discussing what your career goals are, and how you can support one another while maintaining a sensible work-life balance.

Nurturing The Relationship

After moving in together, you might be surprised at how your relationship changes. Make sure that you are able to openly communicate with one another. A fixed schedule, and time set aside for things like ‘date night’ can be helpful. During this period, you’re likely to run into problems. In a healthy long-term relationship, you’ll be able to raise any issues you have openly, and see if you can find a solution that satisfies the wishes of both parties.

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