Paris Hilton has dropped off the celebrity radar over the last few years, yet her business empire of beauty related products still flourishes. She definitely knows how to stay beautiful and make money doing so! Her look is campy over the top glam as opposed to the toned down supermodel look. If you have the personality of the glam girl you would like Paris Hilton’s look. Her beauty products also do well with the younger pre-teens who are playing glam dress up and makeup games.
Paris rocks the one piece swimsuit with cutouts. She appeared in a black one piece in ads for Carls Junior. The photo of Paris doing a photo shoot in Malibu from splash news shows her again wearing a sexy cutout all white one-piece swimsuit, a classic example of her high society look.
Paris Hilton Favorite Makeup
Paris loves Dior Night Dust 790 Eye shadow, Anastasia highlighting brow kit, big lashes and glossy lips. Her three favorite lip glosses are Chanel lip gloss in Nebula, MAC Prr, or for less money Maybelline in in pink or a neutral color. For mascara she likes the cult classic Maybelline’s great lash mascara.
Paris Hilton Beauty Secrets
While she loves the sun Paris nonetheless takes her skin care very seriously. She never forgets to wear anti-aging sunscreen beauty products to protect her skin. She goes to celebrity spa Kate Somerville Spa to get facials and spa treatments every week. She recommends that women wear a scented perfume that is feminine and says something about your personality. She assisted in making CAN CAN perfume and she loves the way it smells. She feels that perfume is critical in making you feel beautiful and smell good!
Paris adds pizaaz to her glam look by creating very dramatic eyes. You’ll see her with fake lashes and tons of mascara. She is not afraid to use shimmering eye shadows. Try charcoal on the eye crease for drama. Create contrast with a white shadow just under the brow on the brow bone area. Then accent with pink or bronze colored eye shadow on the lids. For even more drama add black liquid eyeliner, lashes and mascara. Lip gloss will compliment the dramatic eye look – you’ll be ready for the club scene or the cover of a tabloid magazine.
Over the top Beauty
Paris is notorious for the over the top bombshell beauty look. Her eyes are originally brownish green and she ups their color to blue with contact lenses. She also went bottle blond from her original brown hair. To sport the bleached bottle blond hair you’ll need plenty of deep conditioning to help prevent breakage along with a celebrity hairstylist. Her hair takes a beating from the dyeing, styles and extensions that she often uses. All of that is hard on the hair and causes breakage which means you may need to keep a shorter pixie style. She rocks the blond look rather well, with a fake tan to go along. She also wears fake eyelashes for more drama. Add to that jewelry and porcelain nails. If you are going to go for this type of look you need to have the I’m hot attitude to go along with it. Also, be younger. The Paris Hilton look translates well for the outgoing younger girls however as you age you should definitely tone it down.
Paris Hilton Diet and Exercise
Paris keeps her frame svelte by working out regularly with weights. She combines an exercise regime with a healthy diet. To keep her body toned and lean for the summer bikini season, she does Pilates and cardio in the gym, along with using the weights. Teddy Bass a celebrity personal trainer, shared some of his exercise tips for Paris with readers of Fitness magazine. He has Paris do sit-ups to get sculpted flat abs. Lie on the back with knees up and cross one leg over the other. Feet should be on the floor. Then with hands supporting the head do the cross-over type sit up exercises with the elbow touching the opposite knee. Repeat on each side.
Paris admits to eating the occasional McDonald’s or Taco Bell, and she likes Red Bull. To stay healthy and in shape, Paris tries to reduce stress, eat less fat, get a good night rest and switch from coffee to green tea. She’s been rumored to have tried the strict milk diet which combines foods like cheese, baked potato drizzled with olive oil, fresh salad, low fat broiled chicken meat or fish, with a cut of skim milk at each meal. On an every day basis, Paris recommends eating a lean diet that includes organic fruit, veggies and vitamin juices.
Paris Hilton Fashion
With Paris, there is no shortage of Satin, diamonds, and sky high stilettos. Paris wears mini skirts, low cut tops, and bottom baring tight jeans to accentuate her figure. Her style sense is a little over the top and loud. Satin, shimmer, studs, hair accessories and jeweled adornment are right up her alley. Some style critics have given her scathing reviews yet she sticks to her own sense of style and owns it. She at one point landed on Blackwell’s list of worst dressed celebrities even. Some say tacky, others say smart because her beauty product empire is flourishing. She marches to the beat of her own drum! Her glamour doll look has won her a huge fan following and she is a fashion diva in her own right.
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