Planning And Organization Tips For A Balanced Single-Mom Life

As a parent, you doubt your decisions and abilities all the time. This responsibility doubles when you need to do all the work alone as a single mom. However, believe it or not, it is possible to achieve a balance between work, parenting and relaxation, especially if you have planning and organization down. Here are a few tops just on that to help you be a happier and more successful single mom:

Rely On A Routine

If you want to stay stress-free and balanced, routines are here to help you in your mission. Having a good routine will help both you and your kids, so don’t hesitate to schedule meals, homework, family time, bedtime, etc. This will ensure you save a lot of time and effort on scrambling to pick up food after work, start your morning on the wrong foot and forget about your kids’ homework or your work assignments. If something slips through the cracks occasionally, that’s fine, but a routine will minimize that for sure.

Simplify Your Schedule

Being a single mom just doesn’t give you enough time to do everything co-parents can. That’s why you need to make your schedule simple and clear to keep all of you from feeling overwhelmed. You might be forced to cut back on activities, visit your local park instead of going to the movies downtown or cook meals in bulk instead of making something fresh every day. If you spread yourself too thin, you won’t be able to be a good parent and offer the stability your kid deserves.

Get Your Finances In Order

For most single parents, money is the biggest stressor there is. It’s crucial for single mothers to keep their finances under control. Surely your time spent with your kids is more valuable than all the money in the world, but it’s necessary for them to have clothes, food and small luxuries in life. Plus, having stable finances is not all about coin, but reducing anxiety and stress in your lives, having time to dedicate to fun activities and investing in your kids’ future.

For instance, if you’re planning to make a big investment in the future, like buying a house for yourself and your kids, it’s necessary to handle your debts first. Create a budget and start small by making payments you can afford and gradually increasing the amount you can save. As your situation improves, you can start looking into first time home buyer loans and get the best interest rates and loan structures on the market. Make sure the company you choose to help you on your journey has home buyer brokers, a support crew and dedicated support services.

Do Activities You All Enjoy

Instead of taking your kids to soccer or gymnastics and spending your time watching, opt for programs that both of you can enjoy. For instance, kids and parents love music classes for parents and babies, where you can sing and dance together. There are also awesome baby-mama yoga classes, and you can even sneak in a few vinyasas alone after class while your child plays. Swimming is also a great activity that you can share, thus achieving a much better balance between parenting and self-care.

Set Time For Yourself

Single moms usually don’t have any time for themselves, which is definitely not healthy. Between work, chores and playing with kids, the only time you have left is sleep time. Well, it’s high time you changed that by focusing more on your own mental and physical health. Try to prepare for the day the night before so you can take 15-20 minutes for relaxing coffee and makeup routine. If your kids are older, set a rule that no one can enter your bedroom without a serious reason, so you can read a book without being disturbed. You can also leave your kids in the play area while shopping. You might lose some time with your kids, but you will gain a much better balance in your life, which will make you a better mother.

Ask For Help

Raising kids is difficult with two parents, let alone one. However, if you rely on your support network, you can take some weight off your shoulders. Your family members, close friends and other parents can offer amazing support for you and your kids, so don’t be afraid to reach out. This way, you’ll have more time for yourself and get an opportunity to vent, learn and seek advice. These adults can also play a big part in your kids’ lives, serving as secondary role models and teaching them many skills that you might lack. Asking for help is beneficial not only for you but also for your kids, so give everyone a chance to build a good community and support each other.

Being a single mom might not be easy, but it’s twice as much rewarding. When you manage to strike the right balance between all your responsibilities and comforts, you’ll become a true super mom with happy, healthy and strong kids.

Author Bio

Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in business and marketing related topics.

In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.

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