No matter how many tips you collect from various sources, without your own will and determination, it is never going to be possible for any individual to stop smoking. Quitting smoking needs a firm conviction, motivation, and commitment to kicking the habit. Otherwise, no products on planet earth can help you out. It is as simple as that. Once you are determined that you can do it, only then will quitting aids be capable of potentially helping you to stop smoking for good.
With that being said, you are likely to find a range of products on the market that will come in handy when it comes to helping you with your “quit-smoking” journey. When it comes to choosing the quit smoking aids, you need to consider your preferences whilst also keeping an eye on any medical concerns. According to Good-Ta-Go, it is always better to have a word with your primary physician before deciding on your smoking cessation. Remember, only your doctor knows what might work the best for you. Hence, it is wise to consult your physician before stepping into this course.
Have You Ever Heard About Going Cold Turkey?
Cold turkey means deciding to quit smoking, throwing out the cigarettes and never looking back, and never having another urge to smoke. It’s a term that comes into the scene when you opt to quit smoking without the help of any quit aids. This method has the advantage of removing the nicotine component from one’s body more easily and frequently than quit aid products. It only needs a few days to remove the nicotine from the body when someone goes cold turkey. The only problem with going cold turkey is the intense discomfort, but the physical withdrawal is short. This method has played a significant role in the quit-smoking journey, however if you think that you cannot bear the discomfort of going cold turkey, quit aids might be a good option for you after all.
Nicotine Replacement Therapy
Nicotine replacement therapies, aka NRTs, come with a dose of nicotine that reduces the discomforts of nicotine withdrawal. Traditional tobacco cigarettes come with a lot of poisonous carcinogenic compounds, whereas NRTs come with only nicotine. When you use the NRTs with the instruction of the manufacturers, you are likely to be able to withdraw the nicotine from your body as you reduce the amount of it in each dose.
- Nicotine Patch: Nicotine patches are one of the most widely-used nicotine replacement therapies all over the world that help individuals to let go of their smoking habit.
- Nicotine Inhaler: Nicotine inhalers come in cigarette-like tubes that are made of plastic. These inhalers allow you to replace the nicotine cartridge. The cartridge contains nicotine that is released into the mouth and throat when you inhale it.
- Nicotine Nasal Spray: Nicotine nasal sprays are sprays that you inhale through your nasal passages to get rid of your typical nicotine cravings.
- Nicotine Pouches: Nicotine pouches lack the tobacco leaf which makes it different from other smokeless alternatives. Pouches are used by putting it directly between your lip and gum. Nicotine is then absorbed through the gums. A nicotine pouch can usually last up to an hour. It also comes in different varieties like the ones from
- Nicotine Lozenges: There are some candy-like tablets that are available on the market. These tablets are known as nicotine lozenges. You ultimately absorb the nicotine into your bloodstream when you place the tablet in your mouth and allow it to dissolve.
- Nicotine Gum: Like candies, there are chewing gums that work for nicotine replacement therapy. If you smoke 25 cigarettes a day, you will need 2 mg chewing gums, and if you smoke more than that, you will need 4 mg chewing gums.
Nicotine-Free Quit Aids
Some quit-aids may come in handy for the quit-smoking process as these products do not use nicotine as their active ingredient. However, before starting to use these therapies, you have to make sure that you have a doctor’s permission.
- Zyban: Zyban is mainly the Bupropion Hydrochloride. It is an antidepressant drug primarily used to treat major depressive disorders and to support stopping smoking. It can likewise reduce the physical withdrawal symptoms that are interlinked with nicotine.
- Chantix: Varenicline is the generic name of Chantix. It is a prescription medication used to treat nicotine addiction. It both reduces the craving and decreases the pleasurable effects of cigarettes and other tobacco products as well.
Other Options And Remedies
- Acupuncture: This is an ancient Chinese medical remedy. In this remedy, the doctor will place some needles at specific points in your skin to treat the disease or pain. Studies have shown this treatment can likewise help people stop smoking. However, researchers are still doing their homework on medication to make the statement stronger.
- Hypnosis: Hypnosis is a human condition involving focused attention, reduced peripheral awareness, and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestions. There has not been any conclusive research on this treatment, but people can conduct this therapy without having any severe side effects.
Nicotine withdrawal is not everything that it takes when it comes to recovering from nicotine addiction. You need to be determined throughout your entire journey. You have to be able to let go of the mental urge that you have been practicing all these years. You need to support your mind so that quit aids can help you with the aspect of healing. Do your homework, do thorough research on the quit aids, and various options that help you to quit smoking. Study on essential factors, acknowledge the health risks of tobacco, and voila. You are on your way!
*collaborative post