Resolutions for 2016 #19

In 2016 we will…

Do nothing!

That’s impossible I hear you cry, what do you mean do nothing? Sounds like a pretty rubbish and rather pointless resolution, right?

Well, no, it turns out doing nothing is absolutely amazing for our bodies, our health and for improving our mental wellbeing. I wrote an article recently, ‘Nothing is better than this for your health‘, which explored what doing nothing actually entails and the reasons why doing nothing is so beneficial to us. It’s not a skill easily learned, believe you me, but if you are able to master the art of doing nothing, your life will be enriched in ways it has never been before.

It may, at first seem rather self-indulgent to take time out to do nothing, especially when there are always a million and one things that still need to be done. However, taking time out for nothing is an essential tool for re-establishing a sense of self, which in turn creates more energy, in fact an incredibly powerful and positive energy, that allows you to approach life with vigour. So much so that, rather ironically, you will find that through doing nothing you’re actually a lot better when you’re doing something!

So, in January, when people ask whether you’ve made any resolutions for 2016, you can simply reply, “nothing”!

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