Resolutions for 2016 #37

In 2016 we will…

Start a diary.

Hands up who got a diary for Christmas? Most of you, right? As someone who loves new stationery, I love getting a new diary each year. There’s something incredibly calming and satisfying about an empty, untouched diary just waiting to be filled up with birthdays, hair appointments, dinner dates and coffee mornings, but I’m not talking about starting that kind of diary, no I mean the more personal, open your heart up journal type of diary.

Using a journal to write down your thoughts, feelings and inner most secrets is incredibly cathartic and is hugely beneficial to your health. It is, in a sense, your own, personal therapy that allows you to make sense of yourself and what you’re thinking and feeling. What may seem like the most difficult problem in the world, can often feel nowhere near as bad once it’s been written down on paper. Personal writings help you to rationalise your thoughts as well as providing you with an outlet to let off some steam. Where else can you be as brutally honest than in your private diary?

What you write is up to you and it may take time before you fully trust that no one will read it. Start off small by writing about the days events in the 10 minutes before you go to bed. You’ll be surprised at how quickly those 10 minutes suddenly turns into 20 and you’re filling up several pages.

Keeping a diary is also a lovely keepsake for you to enjoy in years to come or for you to share with your children. I kept a diary as a teenager and I love having a read of it every now and again; giggling over the words I used and the triviality of the problems, which at the time were my absolute world. And although my daughter is far too young at the moment, I know that when she reaches the same age as when me when I wrote it, I will pass it on to her in the hope that it will help her if she is experiencing any of the same issues and insecurities that I did.

I guess I stopped writing a diary when life got too busy and writing about my thoughts felt somewhat indulgent and self pitying, but I’ve grown up, lived life and think it’s about time I started writing a diary again.

And if you didn’t get a diary for Christmas, well that’s exactly why we have gift vouchers and the January sales 🙂

Dear Diary,

Today I made a new resolution for 2016, to start writing a diary. I think it will be a great way for me to become more mindful and improve my overall wellbeing. Oh and if I’m being totally honest, it gives me the perfect excuse to buy a new, leather bound journal and of course I’ll need a new pen!

See you soon

Art of Healthy Living x

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