Rocky Road Flapjacks

Show me one person who doesn’t like Rocky Road? It’s just lush isn’t it, and if you do manage to find someone who doesn’t like it, then send them my way and I’ll show them these Rocky Road Flapjacks and I’m certain that will change their mind!

This Rocky Road Flapjacks recipe is super simple, so it’s a great one to get the kids involved with and they’ll love licking out the bowl at the end too. The flapjack base uses just three ingredients and what you decide to put in the Rocky Road topping is kind of up to you really. That’s the beaut of Rocky Road, it’s basically lots of yummy left over bits and bobs you’ve got lurking in your cupboards. Any type of dried fruit, nuts, seeds etc. work really well, but always ALWAYS make sure you include some biscuits and marshmallows – ‘cos them’s the best bits!

Biscuit wise, the obvious choice are digestives, but I think Rocky Road is the perfect way to use up any broken biscuits you’ve got in the tin, or even all the crumbs and dust you get at the bottom – waste not want not and all that 🙂

What’s In Rocky Road Flapjacks?

Flapjack Base

  • 250g Oats
  • 100g Unsalted Butter
  • 100ml Honey

Rocky Road Topping

  • 250g Dark Chocolate
  • 50g Raisins
  • 50g Biscuits
  • 30g Mini Marshmallows

How Do I Make Rocky Road Flapjacks?

To make the flapjack base simply melt the butter in a saucepan and stir in the honey.

Remove from the heat and mix in the porridge oats until well combined.

Pour into the base of your tin – I use an individual brownie tin to get an even square shape – and pat down with a spoon, making sure it reaches right into the corners.

Bake at 160ºC for 20 minutes and then take out of the oven and leave to cool in the tin.

To make the Rocky Road topping break the dark chocolate up into a bowl and place this over a saucepan of boiling water. Make sure the water doesn’t touch the base of the bowl and stir until the chocolate has completely melted.

Put the biscuits into a food bag and smash with the back of a wooden spoon. You want lots of uneven bits, so don’t get too angry with them and smash to smithereens!

Pour the broken biscuits, raisins and mini marshmallows into the chocolate and stir until everything is completely covered.

Once the flapjacks have cooled, spoon the rocky road mixture over the top, again making sure it reaches the sides and into the corners. Put the tin into the fridge until the topping has set.

Have you got a healthy flapjack recipe that you would like to feature in #FlapjackFriday?

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