Sambazon Acai Smoothie Pack Review

There are a whole heap of frozen smoothie pouches available on the market; products that claim to have done the hard work for you by prepping and chopping all your fruit and veg so all you’ve got to do is add your liquid of choice and blend. It’s convenient, it’s quick and it makes for a healthy grab and go breakfast choice when life gets in the way, which it does… A LOT!

Sambazon Superfruit Packs differ in that they’ve already been part blended for you; you’ve still got to add liquid and you can bung in a banana or berries to really boost the nutrients, but it provides a fab blended superfood boost to help you up your smoothie game. Available in Original Blend Superfruit and Pure Unsweetened Superfruit Packs the main focus is on the açai. Now, I’m sure most of you’ve heard of açai right, but if it hasn’t reached your radar yet, it’s the Amazonian superfruit that is packed full of antioxidants, healthy omegas and is bung to bustin’ with fibre and protein, so as you can see it lives up to its ‘super’ title. And not only that, which let’s face it is impressive enough, but açai is also naturally sugar free and there aren’t many packaged products you can say that about!

Each pack contains 4 pouches of açai, which is enough for either 4 standard sized smoothies, or 2 smoothie bowls worth (you can check out the smoothie bowl I made here -> It doesn’t really taste of much, just kinda creamy, so adding your favourite fruits to the mix as well as as many yummy toppings as you can cram on, certainly helps jazz it up a bit. I guess the most exciting thing about it, aside from the health benefits of course, is its vibrant purple colour – trust me it makes a smoothie that deffo earns a worthy place on any Instagram feed.

To top it off these products are organic, Fairtrade (little fact for you fact fans – Sambazon stands for Sustainable Management of the Brazilian Amazon), vegan, non-GMO, gluten free and Kosher. The pouches need to be stored in the freezer, and when you’re ready to use them simply take out as many as you need, run them under a tap for a few seconds to help break it up a bit, pop it in your blender with whatever liquid and fruit you fancy, and blitz. And the beauty of it is that because it’s already blended, it means there are no ridiculously hard lumps of fruit or veg waiting to screw up the inner workings of your blender (I talk from experience!).

When I have the time (and quite frankly when I can be arsed) I love a smoothie first thing in the morning, I think it’s because it makes me feel so virtuous so early on, but these are also great for post exercise rehydration or a ‘get you through the afternoon avoiding the jammy dodgers’ afternoon snack.

You can buy Sambazon Superfruit packs from Whole Foods Market, Tesco and Ocado for £4.00, which I think is incredibly good value for money, especially if you compare it to equivalent pre-bottled products.

*product gifted for review.

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  1. says: Mat

    ‘…but açai is also naturally sugar free and there aren’t many packaged products you can say that about!’… Maybe they do other ‘sugar free’ products, but the Sambazon Acai I have (Sambazon Original Blend) is 13% sugar (from evaporated sugar cane juice).
    This is not a small amount of sugar.

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