Should I Seek Medical Treatment After A Car Accident Even If I Feel Fine

After a car accident, you may be thanking your lucky stars that you weren’t hurt. It is natural to feel grateful that the accident was not more severe. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get checked out by a doctor. Henningsen Injury Attorneys, P.C. in Atlanta says that the problem with delaying treatment after a car accident is that some injuries take time to appear.

If you hesitate to receive medical attention, this could be used against you when you file a claim. Fortunately, working with a personal injury attorney can help you get the damages you deserve. To learn more about why you should seek medical treatment after a car accident, visit to learn more about personal injury law.

Latent Injuries

Some injuries are not obvious right away. Whiplash is one of the most common injuries after a car accident that affects people hours or even days later. Internal bleeding is one of the most frightening injuries with delayed-onset symptoms. The force of the impact can burst capillaries in the intestines and lungs. At first, the victim feels nothing, but they are in intense pain several hours later. Internal bleeding is a life-threatening injury that requires immediate medical intervention.

Medical Reports Help Your Case

Another reason why it is so crucial to seek medical treatment after a car accident even if you feel fine is that you can’t claim damages if you have no proof of financial losses. That means that you can’t recover compensation for medical expenses if medical services were never rendered.

You are not a doctor. A number of factors can lead to you feeling fine after an accident, but you won’t know if you are healthy for sure without an examination. Even if you don’t feel pain yet, things can change. It is better to be safe than sorry.

When you go to a doctor, you demonstrate the pain you are in is severe enough to warrant medical attention. You can then submit any bills and invoices that you receive from the hospital or clinic to your attorney to include them in your claim.

An Attorney Can Help

There are many reasons to contact an attorney after an accident. Even if you don’t have serious medical debt from seeing a doctor, the visit will still cost you. There may also be other damages you are entitled to, such as damages for your vehicle and any lost wages. A personal injury attorney can look into your case and determine what you are eligible to receive.

Most importantly, they speak to the insurance company for you. If you want to avoid getting a low settlement, then you should hire an attorney who can fight for you to get the maximum compensation possible for your losses. They will help prove your damages and hold the responsible party accountable.

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