The Truth About Hair Loss: 8 Myths You Need to Stop Believing According to Yun Nam

Have you noticed your hair thinning over the past few years? You may think it’s just a part of getting older, but what if you’re wrong?

I’m sure you’ve heard all sorts of hair loss myths in your day. “You need to cut your hair short, or it’ll fall out!” “Brushing your hair 100 times a day will make it thicker!” “If you don’t shampoo, your scalp will get greasy and have dandruff!”

There are a lot of myths out there about hair loss. Maybe you’ve heard that cutting your hair will make it grow back thicker. Or that only men experience baldness.

Approximately 50% of both men and women experience hair loss at some point in their lives. There are plenty of causes of alopecia (the medical term for hair loss), including genetics, daily stresses, and an unhealthy diet. Unlike the environmental causes that we can very well control, hereditary hair loss isn’t something that can be easily treated

Take androgenic alopecia, for instance. This inflammatory condition boasts heritability estimates of over 80%, and affect over 40% of adult men and women. This disorder is a response to excessive activation of the androgen receptor, an important component that regulates the development and growth of your hair follicles. Due to this abnormal activation, the hair follicles begin to shrink and reduce in size, which is why the hair appears thinner until no more grows back eventually.

In this post, we are going to debunk eight of the most common hair loss myths and set the record straight. So whether you’re suffering from hair loss yourself or know someone who is, make sure to read on!

Myth 1: Young People Cannot Suffer From Hair Loss

We get a lot of questions about young people and hair loss. In fact, one-third of all those afflicted with hair loss are under the age of 30. The truth is that everyone can experience noticeable thinning at any point in their lives due to several different reasons.

Young people experience hair loss for various reasons, just as older adults do. In fact, some of the most common causes include:

  • stress from school or work
  • hormonal changes due to menstruation, pregnancy, or childbirth
  • genetics and family history
  • normal ageing process
  • side effects from certain medications, such as birth control pills and antidepressants

So no matter what your age, if you are experiencing hair loss or noticed that it has gotten thinner, please consult a hair care specialist. There are treatments available that can help!

Myth 2: Genetic Hair Loss Is Inherited From The Maternal Side

If you’ve ever asked around, you’ve probably heard that it may be a hereditary condition that’s been passed down from your maternal side of the family. This isn’t entirely false, but it’s not entirely true either.

While hair loss may be hereditary, there is no research that proves that hair loss inheritance is entirely from the maternal side – it can either be paternal or maternal.

Myth 3: Washing And Shampooing Your Hair Can Cause Hair Loss

Nothing is further from the truth! If you don’t wash your hair regularly, your hair follicles can get clogged with oil and sweat, impeding hair growth.

However, washing your hair too frequently with a shampoo that contains harsh chemicals might cause further hair loss.

If you have a very oily scalp, use a mild shampoo made of natural ingredients or a shampoo specifically formulated for daily use.

In addition, if you’re experiencing an excessive amount of flaking and dandruff, try changing up your shampoo and washing routine before resorting to drastic measures like medication or surgery.

Myth 4: Taking Vitamins Can Help With Hair Growth

There are countless supplements and vitamins out there with promises to help you grow thicker, healthier hair. But the truth is that none of them work. While it’s possible for some vitamins and minerals to promote healthy hair growth in conjunction with a well-balanced diet, there is no evidence that any single vitamin or supplement will be effective on its own.

Myth 5: Getting Frequent Haircuts Can Help Your Hair Grow Back Quicker

You may have heard that getting frequent haircuts will make your hair grow back thicker, but this is simply not true. Rather, it’s better to get your haircut every six to eight weeks, depending on the rate at which it grows. This way, you are always looking clean and put together without breaking the bank.

Myth 6: Wearing A Hat Can Make You Go Bald

Wearing a hat doesn’t cause hair loss. If you find strands of hair in your cap, it is likely that you’ve already shed the hair, and it found its way into your hat.

However, let us point out that if you wear a tight cap on a daily basis, traction alopecia, a condition where gradual hair loss, caused by constant stretching or pulling of the hair, may occur.

You can don your precious baseball cap without any worries, as long as it is not too tight or worn for excessively long hours.

Myth 7: Being Out In The Sun Causes Hair Loss

It may feel otherwise, but even if your head feels like it is on fire after hours of sun exposure at the beach, prolonged exposure to UV rays is not a direct cause of hair loss.

However, if your hair gets lighter after long periods of sun exposure, it may be a sign of damage of your hair getting dry.

As for women, those who are undergoing pregnancy or post-pregnancy should try to avoid exposing their scalps to the sun. Pregnant and post-pregnant women may find themselves experiencing painful and painful scalps, partly due to fluctuated hormones and increased sebum production. This increases the scalp’s sensitivity, which may trigger and worsen hair loss. While it may not be a direct cause of hair loss, it’s no doubt a contributing factor – so be sure to protect your scalp from the sun whenever possible.

Myth 8: Hair Loss Is Irreversible

Hair loss can be due to several external factors like stress or environmental changes. It can also be due to dramatic changes to your body like childbirth, menopause, and an oily scalp.  It can be very disheartening to see continued hair fall, especially when it’s hard to pinpoint the exact cause.

But fret not! The truth is that hair loss isn’t always permanent. Hair follicles can recover and hair can grow back, especially with the right care!

Yun Nam Hair Care has been helping Singaporeans combat hair loss for decades, with many glowing reviews from happy, satisfied customers.

They have perfected the use of herbs and plants found in the remote Yun Nam region, home to 17,000 species of plants. After extensive research and development, Yun Nam has adapted the use of these herbs and plants to suit Singapore’s tropical climate and provide their customers with top-notch hair care.

Book an appointment with Yun Nam and have a team of dedicated hair care specialists attend to your hair health now!

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