3 Key Tips On How To Get – And Stay – Fighting Fit

With recent news indicating that the second wave of the pandemic could be as calamitous as the first, it is understandable that many of us will be wondering if there will ever be a return to anything resembling true normality. Additionally, for those of us who were fortunate enough to escape the first wave, the fear may be that we won’t be so lucky a second time.

Even aside from the risks of coronavirus, the last ten months have been enough to focus many a mind on the fragility of human health. A lot of credence is given to the idea that the virus only really affects those who are already vulnerable. This is not true. It does predominantly have harsher effects on those with underlying issues. That is true, as is the case for any illness. So, while we have to rely on good fortune and best practice to avoid infection, and quick detection and treatment if we are infected, it’s also a good idea to prepare yourself. Taking smart decisions, such as those listed below, are the best way to fight off Covid-19, the seasonal flu, or any other illness that might try its luck…

Build The Strength Of Your Respiratory System

As we move towards winter, the twin spectres of Covid and the annual uptick in cases of influenza are foremost in many of our minds. While there are differences in how each illness affects people, both of the above have particular repercussions for the human respiratory system. Now would be a very good time to increase aerobic exercise; getting on an exercise bike or seeing what classes the Royal Academy of Dance has to offer can be fun ways of building up your respiratory system; it will help you weather any infection, and is beneficial even if you aren’t affected.

Consider Supplements For Important Nutrients

Many of us have spent most of the year indoors, with limited exposure to sunlight. With the calendar rolling on into the last couple of months of the year, the chance of much more sunlight is going to be limited as a matter of course. This is not great news given that a lack of vitamin D may be one of the risk factors for coronavirus. Indeed, as it is beneficial to the immune system, vitamin D is just all-round useful right now, so it is worth taking it as a supplement to ensure you’re well-placed to fight any viruses and infections.

Find Joy Wherever You Can

As much as it sounds like a frothy, self-help statement, keeping a positive frame of mind is also essential. While anyone can get ill at any time, people who are in extended spells of lowered mood – including depression – are more prone to ill health. This makes it all the more important to keep doing anything that gives you joy during this time. If you aren’t currently finding much to be cheerful about, it is worth exploring an interest you’ve always been curious about. Most importantly, if you’re in an extended period of duress, consider counselling as a matter of urgency; it’s something we could all benefit from.

This is an historically tough time to be living through – at least the most challenging globally for three quarters of a century. As it threatens to last even longer than initially expected, it’s important to find ways to rally back against it.

*collaborative post

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