What does aging well look like to you: Longevity, and making it to the age of 90 and beyond? Staying active and vibrant for as long as possible? Or does keeping all your mental faculties come to mind first?
A recent study by a multi-institutional team of researchers has determined that there’s a way to determine your odds of reaching all three. This pioneering study of over 1800 older women, which began in 1993, found that those with epigenetic biological age acceleration had significantly lower odds of reaching 90 with mobility and cognitive function intact.
What Is Biological Age And How Does It Affect Me?
Let’s back up a bit and examine these terms.
When we usually talk about age, we’re referring to our chronological age, which is the number of years someone has been alive. In contrast, your biological age is based on the epigenetic alteration and DNA methylation of your body’s tissues and organs. Your genes are what you were born with, but your epigenetics is how your environment and lifestyle can affect the way your genes work.
If your body’s epigenetic aging is outpacing your chronological age, then you are experiencing biological age acceleration. Because this is associated with an increased risk of developing diseases like cancer and Parkinson’s, your odds of living a long and healthy life decline.
While you cannot change your genes, the good news is you can reverse epigenetic changes and optimize your life for healthy longevity. First, you need to determine your baseline biological age.
There are several biological age tests you can use to measure how rapidly your body is aging, but the most accurate[1] ones utilize epigenetic clocks. Among scientists and researchers studying human aging, the most widely used biological age clock in peer-reviewed human studies is Dr. Steve Horvath’s multi-tissue epigenetic clock, which works across the whole human lifespan. myDNAge® is the only product on the market with an exclusive commercial license to Horvath’s clock, making this groundbreaking technology available to everyone.
How myDNAge® Works
myDNAge® is a simple test that can accurately calculate your biological age from just a few drops of blood. You will receive a kit with everything you need to collect a small sample from the comfort of your home, which you will then post to the myDNAge® laboratory in California for sequencing.
Within 4 to 6 weeks, you’ll receive a report with not just your true biological age, but also your risk scores for developing metabolic disorders and age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s.
myDNAge® also offers a urine-based biological age test for consumers to take a deep dive into how their urinary tract is aging, which can provide an early warning into potential age-related functional decline.
Use code ‘ART15’ to receive a 15% discount on both Blood and Urine Kits purchased directly from myDNAge®.
What Do I Do After Receiving My DNAge Results?
It is important to understand that there is no one treatment or pill that you can take that can magically reverse your rate of aging, but there are a number of steps you can take to improve it over time. In your report from myDNAge®, you will receive information on some basic interventions you can take to increase your health span. Consistently implement one or all of these for 6 to 12 months then test again to gauge its impact on your biological age.
If you are incorporating anti-aging supplements or functional medicine treatments into your wellness routine, myDNAge® can also be used to help you ascertain whether a particular intervention is working for you or not, and even to optimize your dosage.
Want to discover more ways to reduce your biological age? Check out the myDNAge® blog for more insights and the latest in longevity science.
[1] Martin-Herranz, Daniel E., Erfan Aref-Eshghi, Marc Jan Bonder, Thomas M. Stubbs, Sanaa Choufani, Rosanna Weksberg, Oliver Stegle, et al. “Screening for genes that accelerate the epigenetic aging clock in humans reveals a role for the H3K36 methyltransferase NSD1.” Genome Biology 20, no. 146 (2019).