Why You Should Take A Daily Multivitamin

Life doesn’t come with an owner’s manual.

But it probably should.

When you were young, everything you needed to know to live a healthy life could fit into a tweet: eat right, exercise, wear sunscreen, and get enough sleep. Now that you’re older, the instructions to maintain your health could be the size of a phone book. (And if you remember how thick a phone book can be, you definitely need to take better care of your health.)

Getting older means you need to read this chapter of your life a little closer. Watch what you eat—read food labels and eat more veggies. Sleep becomes paramount, and you need daily exercise, even if it’s only a quick walk around the block. And, as you write these later chapters, you’d be wise to pen taking a daily multivitamin onto your to-do list.

Your body needs specific minerals to operate at optimal levels. And our world of drive-thru this, and drive-thru that can present challenges to eat a healthy, balanced diet. It’s increasingly easier to make poor food choices, even when we know our bodies need healthy foods. When you can’t consume the necessary vegetables, fruits, and lean meats that comprise a healthy diet, a daily multivitamin can provide the core ingredients, like vitamins D and C, folic acid, magnesium, and other crucial nutrients to keep your body running at its best.*

Beginning or ending your day with a multivitamin can kickstart healthy habits to help you live your best life. Set aside a short moment to take your multivitamin, and you’ll support your health all day long. And good routines are the gateway to good habits to aid a thriving, vibrant you.*

Here are some reasons you should consider adding a daily multivitamin to your morning routine.

Fill In The Nutritional Gaps

Let’s pretend you’re eating the perfect diet. You map out every meal, weigh each portion, and snack like a professional. And while you check every box, you’re still not getting the right levels of nutrients. Why? Because food today is not as healthy as it used to be. Produce harvested today is less nutritious because we’ve cultivated crops to improve their appearance and to withstand the challenges of shipping.

There’s less magnesium and calcium in today’s broccoli than in the vegetable your grandparents ate. That’s not to say broccoli isn’t a healthy choice, but it doesn’t carry the optimal amounts of nutrients it used to. A daily multivitamin is a great option to bridge the nutrition gap.

A daily multivitamin supplements the nutrition your diet may lack. An optimal blend of vitamins A, B, C, and K, plus zinc, magnesium, potassium, niacin, and other crucial minerals help power your body.*

Love Letter to Your Veggies

Vegetarians fall into two categories: lacto-ovo and strict (vegan). Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat animal biproducts like yogurt and eggs, but vegans don’t consume any animal products at all. A vegetarian diet can provide a wide array of health benefits and remain sustainable—but you should be conscious of what you eat and make choices to benefit your overall health.

However, there are potential downsides to eating a plant-based diet. Hair loss, brain health, and circulation risks may occur if your body doesn’t get sufficient iron, vitamin B, zinc, choline, and other key minerals. And there’s no way to get around the fact: it’s easier for your body to absorb iron from meat. Even iron-rich plants, like dried beans and dark leafy greens, don’t have the same levels of iron or absorption rates you can get from meat.

A high-quality daily vitamin can help vegetarians remain meat-free while still helping you get the nutrients you need to support your health. Look for a supplement with B12, a vitamin that plays a big role in the creation of red blood cells and DNA, and is found almost exclusively in meat, poultry, eggs, and milk. By supporting your body first thing in the morning, you’re working towards all-day good health.*

Writing A New Chapter

Smart choices today mean you’ll enjoy good health later in life. While it may seem daunting to make life changes, establishing small, sustainable habits can make a big difference down the road. Exercise each day, drink plenty of water, and get good sleep. And, as you examine your diet, consider adding a high-quality, daily multivitamin to your routine.

Proper nutrition supplementation has been shown to play a role in the long-term health of heart, bones, joints, eyes, nervous system, and immune system health. A daily multivitamin can help supply the nutrients your body needs to support your overall health needs.

Healthy habits make for a healthy life. Enjoy the changes a great routine can make for you.

Ben Raskin is a nutritional blogger and organic urban gardener. Follow him on Instagram @USANABen.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

*collaborative post

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