6 Things You Need To Do After A Bicycle Accident

Car accidents are common and usually involve other vehicles. However, it is not a rare case for bicycle riders to be involved in these accidents. Accident consequences can be even more dramatic for cyclists since they are not as protected as people in vehicles. Therefore, you need to know the post-accident procedure as well as the steps you need to follow. So, here are a couple of things you should do after a bicycle accident.

1. Call The Police 

If you are conscious after the accident, the first thing you should do is to call the police right away. The police report is the objective testimony about the events. All the details collected on the scene will play a crucial role in the reconstruction of the accident. Based on what officials find there, it is possible to see who is guilty. A police report is a crucial document for insurance claims because it can prove your side of the story.

Not only will it support your arguments when dealing with insurance, but it is also one of the key pieces of evidence if the case ends up in court. Besides, police officers will make sure the witnesses and driver give detailed and correct information on how the accident happened.

2. Consult A Lawyer

Bicycle accidents happen quite often, especially on the busy California roads. The biggest mistake most people make is not contacting a lawyer right after the accident. Sometimes, not even officers know all the legal regulations about bicyclists and may even have a wrong interpretation of the law.

Hence, calling a lawyer specializing in bicycle accidents in your area is the right thing to do. Calling for an experienced lawyer if you live in California, a Bakersfield injury lawyer, will help you keep things on the safe side. Additionally, your lawyer will make sure to protect all your rights and help you get the compensation you deserve.

3. Do Not Admit Anything 

Be careful when talking with a police officer about the details of the accident. You should never admit fault. Even giving your testimony should be given in the presence of your lawyer. Make sure to hire an injury lawyer for your area because of the variations in legal regulations depending on the region. This is a very important point because you might get it twisted and feel guilty for the accident that happened. Cyclists not knowing their rights on the road usually end up in this situation and may assume that their actions were the ones causing the accidents, while, in reality, they were entirely lawful.

4. Exchange Information With The Vehicle Driver 

If you are involved in an accident with a motor vehicle, even though it seems like a minor thing, you should exchange information with the driver. The information you should take is the name, phone number, auto insurance company, address, policy number, license plate number, driver’s license number, model of vehicle, and vehicle’s owner information (in the case that the car is not owned by the driver). This is an essential thing to do because many people make this fatal mistake.

Most bicyclists drive away right after the accident, grateful that they are alive, but they should not do that. Because of the high adrenaline levels, a number of different injuries, such as fractures, brain injuries, and some other serious ones, may go unnoticed. So, if you just drive away without taking any information, you will not be able to make a claim for the injuries you have suffered.

5. Seek Medical Treatment 

You must seek medical treatment immediately after the accident or as soon as you start feeling pain. Just as we have previously mentioned, your body will go through an initial shock and will not be able to recognize the delayed consequences of some serious injuries. Besides, medical reports will act as a crucial piece of evidence for your future claims. Declining to receive medical treatment will make it difficult to make claims in the future.

6. Wait For The Car Insurance Company To Settle The Case 

After the car insurance company determines that the driver is guilty of the accident, they will try to settle your case as soon as possible. They might offer to cover the expenses for the medical bills or to cover the expenses for repairing your bike. They will sound desperate to give you money right away without any concern for future complications. It is wise for you to wait and have the final report on the severity of your injuries and a real financial report for your medical treatment.

Bicycle accidents can be more dangerous than classic car accidents since the cyclist is not secure as a car driver. It is of immense importance to know your rights before you start cycling on the open road, so we hope that this article will help you consider some main points regarding a bicycle accident.

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