7 Simple Tips On Caring For Your Eye Glasses

41% of Americans have Myopia now, and by 2050, roughly 50% of the population will become nearsighted, reports suggest. So the odds of you wearing a pair of glasses or needing one in the near future are pretty high. In such a situation, it makes sense to make yourself aware of caring for your eye glasses as they are vital elements of your physical and mental wellbeing.

Go For Regular Eye Checkups

Consider getting your eyes checked once before purchasing a new pair of Eye Glasses. Choosing a reliable service provider for your eye checkup is important as they will be able to suggest the appropriate kind of eyeglasses for your specific requirements.

Also, an eye exam can detect the onset of many life-threatening ailments like cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. As people are thrice as likely to get their eyes examined rather than a routine physical examination, it is possible to react faster to a health issue through a follow-up doctor appointment to resolve any red medical flags raised during the eye checkup.

Most people struggle with their vision when they first start wearing glasses. Start wearing glasses as an adult. It may take a little time to adjust to seeing better than you were previously able to in terms of quality and clarity, as well as seeing more details in objects and people’s faces that were previously blurry for you.

Use Both Hands When Removing Eye Glasses

Putting glasses on with one hand can put a lot of stress on the frames. When you remove your glasses, use one hand to hold them and the other hand to put them on. This will help prevent damage to the frames by applying too much pressure on them.

You should also be careful not to put your glasses on top of or behind your ears when putting them away, as this can cause breakage. Instead, place them gently back in their case as soon as possible after taking them off.

Wash In Water And Dry With A Lint-Free Cloth

Wash your glasses with soap and water, then dry them with a lint-free cloth. Use a soft cloth or paper towel to clean the lenses.

Wash your hands before cleaning the glasses so as not to transfer any residual grease from your fingers onto the lens surface. This can cause scratches or smudges that could impair vision quality when you are wearing them again later on in the day.

 Always Keep The Lenses Clean

When it comes to keeping your glasses clean and free of debris, you should never use paper towels. They can scratch the lenses and leave behind tiny fibers that will be irritating when you put them on.

Instead, use soft cloths or lens cleaners if you need to wipe off a smudge. Make sure you’re using a cleaning product specifically made for eyeglasses. Don’t use household cleaners or window cleaners that contain ammonia, alcohol, or water!

Store Your Glasses In A Safe Place 

The best place to keep your eyeglasses is in a hard case or bag that can protect them from dust and heat. You should never put your glasses on a window sill or other surfaces where they could become exposed to extreme temperatures or damage.

Use Industrial Grade Eye Protection Gear 

When working with chemicals or in dusty conditions, use eye protection to protect your eyes and your lenses. A chemical splash can cause serious damage to the eyes and surrounding tissues that may not be apparent for several hours after exposure. The glass of your spectacles may get corroded or heated in such situations and might adversely affect your eyes if you are not using eye protection.

Every day, around  2000 workers in the U.S. need medical attention for job-related eye injuries. Experts predict using appropriate safety gear can prevent up to 90% of such cases.

If you think you’ve been exposed to a chemical, remove contaminated clothing immediately and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Wear Safety Goggles When Using Power Equipment

If you’re wearing prescription eyeglasses while operating power equipment like lawnmowers and chainsaws, remember that their lenses might become scratched by flying objects (such as grass clippings) kicked up by the blades of lawnmowers or similar devices.

Consider wearing nonprescription sunglasses above your prescription lenses so they’ll remain clear during use without risking getting damaged in case something hits them unexpectedly.

Always remember protecting your eyeglasses is more about protecting your eyesight. You should incorporate an eyeglass cleaning regimen in your daily routine to prevent your eyeglasses from getting dirty or smudged. Also, regular checkups and visits to the ophthalmologist will help you ensure your eyeglasses are appropriately adjusted for your eyes to give you the best viewing experience.

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