Avoiding Dry, Cracked Skin in the Winter

Winter weather in the UK can be a brutal time for your skin’s health. Temperatures can average as low as 5-degrees celsius, making it quite uncomfortable to be outside for too long. But ignoring your skin during this time can make you look and feel unhealthy. Ironically, at this same time of year, people across the UK make New Year resolutions to improve their overall health by eating better, working out, or addressing their mental wellbeing. Unfortunately, skincare is often overlooked. But, if properly treated, having healthy skin during the winter can go a long way in making you both happier and healthier.

Avoid Stress To Keep Skin Healthy

The holiday time is often the most stressful time of the year, and when considering factors that cause unhealthy skin, stress is near the top of the list. Being too stressed can lead to a number of unsightly skin conditions, but most notably – acne and cold sores. Dealing with this during a time when you will constantly be around family and friends leads to embarrassment, and you guessed it – even more stress. In order to break this vicious cycle, make sure you schedule your holiday plans well in advance, so you don’t feel overwhelmed in the weeks leading up to it. Also, take some time for yourself everyday to monitor your mental health. Exercise is also a great way to de-stress, and helps your skin look healthy as well.

Tools Of The Trade

Aside from staying stress-free, there are also other ways to treat poor skin in the winter. One of the most common symptoms of living in cold environments includes having dry and cracked skin – especially on your hands/knuckles. Dry skin is not only unsightly, but can be painful as well. Make sure to frequently use a high-quality skin moisturiser. Also, research the best types of soap and shampoo to use to defend your skin from the elements. Having the proper skin care products are essential when mother nature comes knocking. Incorporating skincare into your daily routine is a great way to stay on top of your health, and prevent cold-related skin issues from getting any worse.

Winter in the UK is the ultimate double-edged sword. It can be beautiful and enchanting in one moment, and punishing in the next. Make sure that you have the knowledge and resources this winter to keep your skin looking and feeling healthy. Dealing with cracked, bloody knuckles and breakouts on your face is no way to spend the holiday season. Making a point to address your skincare early and often will save you time later on, allowing you to enjoy the magic of winter in comfort.

*collaborative post

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