How To Become A Successful Beauty Blogger

Have some knowledge and hacks you want to share with the world? Starting your blog will give you a platform to reach people, teach and connect and even earn money. So how do you start a blog? Here’s a guide for not-so-tech-savvy beauty gurus on how to become a successful beauty blogger:

Find Your Focus

Surely your blog will focus on beauty and fashion, but make sure you’re not going too broad. It’s best to pick a single focus and push in that direction. For instance, you might focus on product reviews or helping people who want to look like a million bucks on a tight budget. Maybe you just want to show off your beauty hauls and post unpacking experiences. The list of focus points is endless, but make sure to choose yours and stick to it.

Opt For A Niche

Next, your blog needs a niche if you want to boost your chances of success. It’s best to opt for two or three niches and not go too general with your posts. Later on, you can always take up different niches and add them to your list, but for now, stay concise. Some of the niches you can choose from are skincare, makeup, nail art, high-end products, beauty on a budget, minimalist beauty, green beauty, etc.

Come Up With A Catchy Name

In the beauty and fashion industry, a lot of it lies in the name, so make sure to come up with something catchy that stays in memory and rolls off the tongue. When creating your unique personal website, you can rely on .ME domain since it’s unique, catchy and quite popular among renowned global brands. Make sure your name explains who you are and what you do, so people can instantly know who they are dealing with and what to expect. With a .ME domain though, you will get to introduce a touch of mystery and intrigue, which is just what every beauty blog needs.

Choose Your Platform

There are many free platforms to choose from like Blogger, Wix and Squarespace, but they have many drawbacks like the unprofessional look, limited customization, low monetization options, lack of control, etc. Most experts today use WordPress instead, which is a great choice for a beauty blogger, especially beginners. You can use WordPress for free, but you need to pay for web hosting and domain, of course. This platform is flexible and easy to use, so start with that.

Install Plug-ins

Add functionality to your blog with plug-ins. For instance, plug-ins like MetaSlider add beautiful images to your posts so you can grab the attention of your guests instantly. On the other hand, Optin Forms allow you to grow your email list and Instagram Feed allows you to boost the number of followers by displaying your social media posts on your blog.

Create Interesting Content

Content is the single most important part of any blog, beauty niche included. No matter how pretty your setup is, if you don’t have useful content, you won’t make it big. Your safest bet is to be original—show your opinions, different ways you do something and different ways you use products. If you want to be a successful beauty blogger, try to be consistent with posts and decide how often you want to post (daily, every other day, weekly, etc.) so your followers know what to expect. When it comes to writing, don’t worry too much about the style—you’ll find it sooner or later.  One useful thing to know is that people usually feel more attracted to posts with separate paragraphs and different headings (like this one) so try to adopt that method of writing.

Grow Your Audience

All successful beauty bloggers are active on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. One way to make a name for yourself is to penetrate the tightly woven community of beauty bloggers by getting involved in conversations and comments, just make sure to keep it authentic—no spamming allowed. Collaborations and networking are great for your line of work, so if you find a certain blogger inspiring and educational, link to them in your posts—it’s a great way to build relationships and reach a wider audience.

Beauty blogging is very glamorous and attractive to many, and you can try it too. Even if you don’t succeed right away, you will definitely have a lot of fun, find many inspirational people and learn a bunch of things that will help you in the future.

Author Bio

Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in business and marketing related topics.

In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.

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