5 Symptoms To Look Out For After Surgery That Could Indicate Serious Complications 

Surgery is often the last recommendation doctors will offer for a medical problem because it bears the most risk and is the most complicated medical procedure.

If surgery is necessary, the most challenging part will be recovering from the procedure. You should be wary of post-op complications that could lead to severe complications later.

The following are symptoms to look out for after surgery that could indicate serious complications:

Shortness Of Breath

If you experience sudden bouts of lack of breath, which can be quite severe, you should immediately go to the Emergency Room (ER). Surgeries will often include the use of general anesthesia, which can hamper your ability to move.

The result is that you can develop a blood clot or deep vein thrombosis (DVT). The blood clot can subsequently find its way to your lungs, causing a pulmonary embolism. A pulmonary embolism can be deadly, so you should visit a hospital immediately. Therefore, be mindful of your breathing patterns as you recover from surgery.

Extreme Fever

Fevers are very likely when recovering from surgery. Fevers are often the result of the body fighting various infections, and knowing how to handle the fevers will offer you a fast path to recovery.

However, if you have a fever that surpasses 101 Degrees Fahrenheit, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. Such fever is symptomatic of post-surgical complications like a bacterial infection on a wound.

The fever could also be symptomatic of pneumonia which could have devastating consequences when recovering from surgery. You should closely monitor your temperature for at least a month after surgery. However, you should clearly tell when you have a high fever.

Increasing Pain

You will experience pain after your surgery, and it is normal. The pain will vary depending on the surgery and the individual. Your incision will be tender, and the body will not be in the best condition.

Pain is not usually a reason for worry, but if your pain gets increasingly more debilitating, you should see a doctor.

Though pain is one of the common physical symptoms of surgery, if it gets worse, it could mean a surgeon left an object inside your body. If that is the case, you should have a medical malpractice claim and can receive compensation for the mishap.

Discharge From The Incision

Minimally invasive surgery is becoming increasingly popular mainly due to advances in technology. However, some surgical procedures still require you to have large incisions to access your body.

The incision will leave a wound that the nurses will take care of at first, but you will have to care for it yourself when you are home. Thin and transparent discharge from the wound is normal.

On the other hand, if a thick and foul-smelling discharge starts oozing from your wound, it is a sign of an infection, and you should see a doctor immediately. Another indication of an infection is that the wound will feel hot when you touch it.


A hemorrhage refers to bleeding of a body part or organ. You can expect some bleeding from the incision, especially when cleaning it. However, if there is profuse or rapid bleeding from the incision wound post-surgery, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

Heavy bleeding may show that stitches may have come loose, which increases the chances of infection. Worse still, it could be symptomatic of a damaged blood vessel which can be fatal. Therefore, see a doctor if you experience heavy bleeding regularly after surgery.

A surgical procedure is the riskiest treatment option because of the potential complications. Discharge from the incision, bleeding profusely, increasing pain, extreme fever, and shortness of breath are signs of severe complications. See a doctor immediately if you experience any of the above symptoms or risk deadly consequences.

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