If for any reason you are looking for a way to pass an impending drug test that you are almost certain of failing, then what you are looking for is an effective drug test solution. You do not have to dodge the test or forego that great employment opportunity.
We will look at some solutions that are sure to get you the result you desire. More importantly, you can get this result without too much stress. These are simple but highly effective solutions.
To get some more information on the subject of drug testing, read this.
Getting Started
When you are faced with an impending drug test, you need to ascertain the type of test you will be facing. There are about four different types of tests that can be presented. Once you know which type of test you will be facing, all you need to do is simply get the solution for that test.
Types of Tests
The four main types of tests commonly used, one of which you are likely going to face are: urine test, saliva test, hair follicle test and blood test.
Urine Test
This is a very common type of test that many organisations use. With this test, residue of drugs used up to 30 days ago can still be discovered. This makes it a test of choice for prospective employers, as they can check for any drug usage that took place weeks before the date of the test.
Saliva Test
This is most effective for checking drug use that occurred no later than 3 days before the test date. This will likely be used by organisations or anyone trying to ascertain the possibility of current drug usage. It will be useless for checking long past drug usage.
Blood Test
This is another type of test that is ideal for checking immediate drug usage. This test can be used to ascertain usage and the amount used. This means it will be most effective for a person who has only just used the drug on the day of the test. Most organisations do not bother with this type of test. The police however prefer this type when investigating crimes that could have been committed under the influence.
Blood testing can be used to check for the presence of alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, amphetamines, nicotine, and opiates.
Hair Follicle Test
Now, this test can dig up some long gone drug usage. This is like the past coming back to haunt you. When drug usage that took place as far back as 3 months needs to be ascertained, this is the test of choice. This test can show the presence of alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, opiates and phencyclidine from as far back as 90 days.
Now this is the part you’ve been waiting for. After listing the different types of tests, we will begin to look at how to beat each of them. Your options as described below will become clearer to you.
Urine Testing
There are two possible solutions here depending on the extent of usage. If you are an occasional user of controlled substances, then you can go for detox products. This will remove the tell-tale toxins from your testing over a few days. Even if some are still left, it will mask them so that as long as the product is active in your system, no test will see any of the drug residues.
If however you are a heavy user, detox products may not be helpful at least not in the short term. Your best course of action will be to get synthetic urine. This is a product designed to look like your urine. Rather than present your actual urine, you present this for the testing and can be sure of coming out with flying colours. Althought of course you do this at your own risk
Saliva Testing
This has two possible solutions. The first is a detox gum and the second is a detox mouthwash. Any of the two will rid your saliva of the toxins, ensuring your test comes out negative. Be sure to follow the instructions very clearly for best results.
Blood Testing
Beating this type of test is the hardest. However, there are excellent detox products that will help rid your entire system of the residues of whatever substance you were taking. Once again, you need to follow the instructions very strictly.
Hair Follicle Testing
Hair follicle testing is the most scrutinizing drug testing method that offers an incredibly long detection window, thanks to the biomechanics of hair growth. Everything that goes through your bloodstream ends up as a building block of your hair, and that includes drug toxins. And once these toxins enter your hair, they become notoriously hard to wash out and remove, unless you cut off your hair.
For that reason, hair follicle testing can detect drug usage as far back as a year. However, labs only take about an inch and a half of hair from a person’s scalp, which roughly equates three months of hair growth. And though it can’t detect a single-use, it can detect more frequent use of cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, opiates, and phencyclidine as far back as 90 days.
Luckily, passing a hair follicle test can be done when using a specialized detox shampoo, as Toke Titans writes. All you need to do is find the right detox shampoo and after thoroughly washing your hairs, they will be spotlessly clean in more ways than one.
We have taken a very short time to present these effective but simple solutions to you. Now that you know all hope is not lost, you can quickly go get an effective solution that is right for your condition and confidently face your test.
*collaborative post