What Is The Average Payout For A Personal Injury Claim?

A severe accident can be expensive. The bills and medical costs for all your injuries will begin to pile up, but you can seek compensation for your personal injuries. However, what you demand in your settlement will be entirely dependent upon the type of damages you sustained. Not all personal injury claims are the same, which is why there is a different average for each type of claim. You can learn more about how much you can expect from your personal injury claim based upon your unique circumstance.

Discovering The Average Payout For A Personal Injury Claim

The average payout varies across different types of claims. Averages can range anywhere between $213,000 to $7.6 million.

What Are The Averages Across Different Types Of Personal Injuries?

The highest paying personal injury comes from product liability awards. On average, the amount of expected compensation was a total of $7,676,720 in 2018. Next was medical malpractice, of which claimants were rewarded on average $4,735,619. Personal injury claimants that experienced personal negligence were awarded on average $2,573,103. Claimants who have had business negligence personal injury claims received $1,831,419 on average. Personal injuries caused by auto vehicles resulted in an average of $864,019. For those who had slip and fall injuries for a premises liability, they received on average $803,003. General liability claimants were rewarded $1,669,340 on average.Types of Personal Injury Damages

According to hm-attorneys.com, items you can claim on your personal injury settlement are what can result in a higher claim. If you endured more suffering or had a more significant financial loss, your settlement award may be higher.


The highest paying settlements were often awarded for brain trauma. If you had a concussion, suffered a brain injury, or were mentally incapacitated in any way, this results in a high paying compensation. Spinal injuries, broken bones, and developing a disability are other reasons this may happen as well. Regardless, all medical bills, wounds, and scratches should be included in your claim no matter how small.

Income Loss

If you have to take off time from work due to your injuries, or simply were unable to work due to complications that were out of your hands, this can be included in your settlement. For example, all the past, present, and future time that you are unable to work is compensation which you are due. If you only worked part-time, then the missing hours can be compensated for.

Pain And Suffering

This area may seem ambiguous, but it is literally how you define your personal pain. This is a large chunk of your compensation and covers all of the emotional sufferings you endured. This can be discomfort, low-self esteem, depression, and more.

Property Damage

If any item you owned was damaged because of someone else’s negligence, then it is their liability. It has to be tied to the events that you mention in your personal injury claim.

Find Out How To Get Your Personal Injury Claim Started

When you need additional help getting started, you can work with a dependable team of attorneys who can get you on the right path. You can ask questions and receive guidance on the information you need to help support your claim.

*collaborative post

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