What We Know About Cognitive Function And How We Can Support It

Our brains serve multiple critical functions that make us able to live life normally. They allow us to think, speak, and make decisions. With time, however, our brains tend to deteriorate, as do the rest of our bodies. This decline will gradually cause a decline in quality of life. Here we will look at how to recognize cognitive function disorders and some of the natural remedies that can be used to slow down or stop their progression.  Studies show that Carbon60 may support cognitive disorders by enhancing the function of mitochondria, which are involved in memory and cognition.

Let’s however first delve a little deeper into what cognitive functions are.

What Does Cognitive Function Mean?

Cognitive functions are the mental processes that make us able to function and interact with others. They include the abilities to perceive, pay attention, make and access memories, make decisions and communicate through language. When impaired, they can compromise our daily interactions with others and our ability to behave normally. There are many reasons cognitive functions can begin to decline.

Ageing is often a factor that introduces neurological conditions that can contribute to this problem. Amongst the most common is Alzheimer’s disease that afflicts an estimated 6.2 million Americans. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive, neurodegenerative disorder that slowly destroys brain cells. In recent years, researchers have been looking at ways to improve memory retention in people with Alzheimer’s, and it turned out that C60 may help improve cognitive disorders. Cognitive disorders can also be caused by genetic conditions, drug and alcohol abuse, hormonal imbalances when in the womb, childhood trauma or abuse, malnutrition, and environmental factors. Physical injury that leads to damage to parts of the brain can also result in cognitive disorders.

The Most Common Signs Of Cognitive Function Disorders

Signs of cognitive function disorders will often vary according to the particular disorder being suffered. However, some symptoms are more often seen across the board. These include:

  • poor motor skills
  • mental confusion
  • personality changes
  • loss of memory
  • feeling overwhelmed when making decisions
  • impaired judgement or poor impulse control

It is also common to find sufferers experiencing bouts of emotional disturbance, often as a result of confusion and memory loss. This can easily lead them to isolate themselves from others and cause feelings of irritability, depression, stress, and anxiety. Some research does indicate that having depression can lead to reduced cognitive ability and that early intervention may help to reduce this impact.

How To Improve Cognitive Functions In A Natural Way

1. Eat Healthy Food

You can boost brain function by ensuring it is adequately nourished. Generally, a healthy balanced diet will help in achieving this. However, some emphasis on certain nutrients may help to protect the brain better and ensure it keeps working at peak performance for longer. Try to make foods rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B, C, and E a regular part of your diet. You can easily access these nutrients from common foods like eggs, fatty fish, dark chocolate, nuts, and seeds.

2. Use Natural C60

Supplements can help our bodies absorb nutrients that we do not as easily get from our diet. So what is carbon 60 and where does it come in? Carbon 60, or C60, is a molecule of 60 carbon atoms that possess powerful antioxidant properties. Unlike other natural antioxidant food sources that combat free radicals one at a time, this concentrated supplement can more efficiently neutralize free radicals at a faster rate. It also promotes a healthier metabolism, stronger inflammatory response, better bone improved health, higher energy levels, and enhanced mental clarity. It is a naturally powerful antioxidant source that promotes optimal health at any age.

3. Avoid Tobacco And Alcohol

Tobacco use introduces nicotine into the body that can have damaging effects on the brain. It speeds up brain ageing, which gets worse the longer you smoke. Moreover, tobacco can be a reason for very yellow teeth and cause oral health problems. Excessive alcohol intake also impairs cognitive functions like speech, memory, and vision. If you must drink, limit yourself to no more than two drinks a day.

4. Find Reasons to Smile

When you smile, chemicals like endorphins, dopamine and serotonin are released which communicate to your brain that you are happy. The presence of these chemicals can also increase cognitive ability; so in essence, smiling can aid your brain function and prevent decline.

If you struggle with showing your teeth, there are affordable and convenient ways to adjust your smile. Instead of costly in-office measures, remote clear aligner companies allow you to straighten your smile from the comfort of home.

Smiling is so helpful for brain function that even pretending to smile, or giving a fake smile, can render positive mental results. Since these chemicals have a de-stressing effect, the more you smile, the more you’ll want to keep smiling.

5. Try Brain-Training Games

Mental stimulation helps to promote new connections between nerve cells and encourages the brain to grow new cells. With improved neurological plasticity, cognitive functions are better protected. From Sudoku to picture puzzles, any brain-training game can be used to help preserve brain function. Try to challenge yourself by taking up more increasingly difficult levels of the games or complementing with new activities like painting or playing a musical instrument. You may use C60 which beneficial properties may help to promote optimal brain function.

6. Do Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation seeks to bring focused attention. Mindfulness meditation is a practice that has been shown to have many benefits. It can lead to improved memory and executive function. Adoption of various mediation techniques can help to slow down and improve cognitive function, especially in older adults.

7. Reduce Chronic Stress

Chronic stress can be managed through various interventions, including practising relaxation exercises like tai-chi or yoga, engaging in social activities, exercising, and getting sufficient sleep. The earlier chronic stress is dealt with, the more easily optimal cognitive function and mental performance can be restored or prevented from worsening.

The Strongest Risk Factors Of Cognitive Functions

The strongest risk factor of cognitive function disorders is ageing. As we get older, we become more vulnerable to developing certain medical conditions that can lead to cognitive change. The risk is heightened where a person has spent much of their time indulging in unhealthy habits like:

  • smoking
  • drug and alcohol abuse
  • sedentary lifestyle

Those that have suffered, have chronic conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity are also at greater risk of suffering a decline in cognitive functions as they get older.


It is not always possible to prevent mild cognitive decline. However, adopting a healthy lifestyle and controlling certain environmental factors can help to prevent its occurrence or progression. Periodic medical reevaluation of cognitive function is a good way to determine if the symptoms have been resolved.

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