4 Common Myths About Kombucha And The Truth Behind Them

Kombucha tea is currently rising in popularity, and more people than ever are discovering its benefits. However, just like any trend in the health niche, it’s important to do your research first before giving it a try. Kombucha is largely misunderstood, which is one of the reasons why there are so many myths surrounding it. You must dispel those myths, however, as they may prevent you from getting all the benefits of this wonderful drink. Here are some of the most common myths about kombucha and the truth behind them.

Kombucha Is From South America

A lot of people might be under the impression that kombucha is from South America because of the name; however, it actually originated from East Asia. Theories about the drink’s origins vary, but according to Japanese folklore, it was brought to Japan by a Korean physician Dr. Kombu.

A lot of people may also wonder how to pronounce the word, and, if you want to learn how to pronounce kombucha, you first have to understand its etymology. The first part of the word, “kombu”, is said to be the word for seaweed in Japanese. The second part, “cha”, is the word for tea in both Japanese and Korean. When you bring the words together, it should be pronounced kom-boo-cha, with more emphasis on the middle part.

Kombucha Is Low In Sugar

While it’s true that most kombucha will tend to be low in sugar, that is not always the case. Sugar is essential in the production of kombucha and it all starts with a batch of sweetened tea. Most of the sugar should be consumed during the fermentation process, but sugar can be added to the final concoction to make it more palatable. So, look at the label for any product and make sure that there is no sugar added if that’s important to you.

You Shouldn’t Drink Too Much

Some people think that you should stick to a strict limit per day when drinking kombucha. In reality, you should listen to your body instead of going with a one-size-fits-all approach. We suggest that you start by having a cup with each of your meals and see how your body reacts. Using it this way will help with digestion and allow you to seamlessly integrate healthy, unpasteurized, and fermented drinks into your diet.

Kombucha Contains Alcohol

A lot of people also seem to think that kombucha is an alcoholic drink. This is probably because they misunderstand the fermentation process. While any type of fermentation will produce alcohol, the amount is negligible in kombucha. It will usually only contain trace amounts, and the average bottle will have under 0.5% alcohol. If there is a significant amount of alcohol, it should be marked on the bottle. The product will usually be clearly marketed as an alcoholic drink as well.

These are just some of the myths circulating about kombucha. Do not let these stop you from enjoying all of its benefits and try it today to see how you like the effects.

*collaborative post

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