Buying Toys For A 10-Year-Old Girl: A Few Things To Bear In Mind

Ten is a great age for a child. Their confidence levels are starting to grow, so joining clubs and experiencing new activities without their parents is something they can enjoy. Plus, they do not yet face any of the challenges that teenagers do. Ten is an age at which a child is still free to enjoy exploring the world through play.

Selecting the best toys for 10 year old girls is well worth taking a bit of time over. Choosing wisely will help your daughter, niece, sister, or granddaughter to become more confident and learn new skills. Something that will stand them in good stead as they get older

Here are some of the things you might want to consider when buying toys for a 10-year-old girl. Along with a few tips and suggestions to help you with your decision.

Will They Be Interested In The Toy?

There is no point in buying a little girl a doll if she does not like playing with them. It is far better to think about their interests, hobbies, and their toy preferences and buy accordingly. As you can see from this study every child has their own idea of what a great toy is.

Will The Toy Help Them To Learn A New Skill?

Toys that help your child to learn a new skill or enhance the ones they already have are a great idea. At 10, most children enjoy expressing their creative side. Arts and crafts toys are great for enabling them to do this. As are modelling kits and builder toys like Meccano. They are an especially good choice for a girl who is interested in going into engineering. At 10, many girls also enjoy playing with STEM toys.

Is The Toy Fun?

Play needs to be fun as well as educational. Studies show that children who play often and have fun develop faster. So be sure your 10-year-old daughter or granddaughter has access to toys that enable her to let off some steam, laugh, and just enjoy being a kid.

Outdoor toys are especially good for this. They are also a great way of encouraging little girls to stay active.

Toys That Enable Girls To Try Out Different Looks

At 10, children start to become far more conscious of the way they look. This is natural, but you don’t want them to become too worried about it. Play is a safe way for them to explore and develop their own sense of style. Having a dress-up box is great for this. Kids have a lot of fun turning themselves and their friends into someone else.

Toys That Encourage Group Play

At 10, most children start to want to spend more time with their friends than their families. They want to have people around to play and for sleepovers. So, it is worth buying toys that encourage group play. Board games can be a good option, especially for rainy days. Usually, five or six can play at the same time.

Dress-up and beauty toys such as nail kits are another example of a toy that a group of friends could enjoy together.

In conclusion

The above suggestions are just a starting point. If you still don’t feel inspired just go to somewhere like Amazon and check out their list of best-selling toys.

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