Eating Wisely If You Have Lactose Intolerance

Anyone who is intolerant to lactose has trouble digesting lactose. This is an element that is found in milk and a lot of other dairy products. It is a basic type of sugar, and you will find that a lot of people have a lactose intolerance. This is because it becomes a lot more difficult to digest lactose the older we get. When lactose doesn’t digest correctly, it won’t cause any health problems, however you can end up with symptoms that are undesirable, such as nausea, diarrhoea, pain, bloating, and gas. If you have been experiencing these symptoms, read on to find out more about some of the different ways to reduce the uncomfortable experience you are having.

Take A Supplement To Help You Digest Lactose

One of the best things you can do is take a supplement that has been designed to help you enjoy dairy again. A good example is the highly effective lactase enzyme from Leaving Lactose. Rather than restricting yourself from the foods you love the most, whether it is a creamy dessert or a cheesy meal, you can enjoy them by finding ways to digest lactose more effectively, so this is always the best place to start.

Find Your Limit

A lot of people who have a lactose intolerance assume that they are not able to drink or eat any products with dairy in them. This is not the case. A lot of people that have an intolerance are able to drink or eat small amounts of dairy products without experiencing any sort of symptoms. It makes sense to keep track of what you eat and drink so that you are able to find your own limit. After all, everyone is different. Whenever you experience symptoms, write them down. You can then compare your symptoms with what you have eaten to get a better understanding of what your limit may be.

Eat Foods That Are Rich In Calcium

Naturally, a lot of people are going to reduce their consumption of foods containing lactose, i.e. dairy foods. However, if you consume less dairy, there is a good chance you will get less vitamin D and calcium. Because of this, you need to consume other foods that are rich in these. You may want to speak with your doctor about the possibility of taking vitamin D or calcium supplements. Nevertheless, you can eat more calcium-rich and dairy-free foods, including oranges, rice drinks, soy drinks, calcium-fortified orange juice, sesame seeds, almonds, navy beans, pinto beans, soybeans, tofu, soy sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, fish with edible bones, bok choy, kale, lettuce greens, turnip greens, and broccoli.

Discover How To Lower The Symptoms You Are Experiencing

There are a number of different ways that you can lower the symptoms associated with lactose intolerance. Therefore, finding out about this is a good place to start. You should try to stay away from foods that are high in lactose at one time, for example, eating ice cream, butter, and milk in one go probably isn’t the best approach. You can also use the lactose enzyme tablets we mentioned above to help lower symptoms. Furthermore, considering replacing some or all of the milk in recipes with lactose-free milk, like almond or soy, or fruit juice. Another tip is to consume foods that have active cultures, like yoghurt. Active cultures make it much easier for you to digest lactose. You are also advised to choose products that are low in lactose or lactose-free whenever possible. There are plenty of different options available. As mentioned, you do not have to stop eating lactose altogether but making sensible replacements whenever you are able to will make a big difference.

Avoid Cheese

Aside from the pieces of advice that we have mentioned above, we also have some tips for you when it comes to consuming cheese. If you simply cannot imagine taking the cheese out of your diet, we would recommend that you stick with the harder varieties. For example, opt for cheddar cheese instead of cottage cheese. The reason for this is because lactose is water-soluble and it can be found in the whey, which is runny, as opposed to the curds. When making cheese, curds are used to make hard cheese, whereas whey is used to make soft cheese. This is why it makes sense to consume the former.

Consume Plenty Of Yoghurts

A lot of people assume that yoghurt is going to make their intolerance worse, but this is not the case. The fermentation procedure that creates yoghurt depends on the organisms that also create lactase, which is the enzyme that lactose-intolerant people are lacking. The bacteria itself will probably break down the lactose present in milk. You do need to add yoghurt to your diet in the right manner. We recommend choosing regular yoghurt. Don’t forget; frozen yoghurt and regular yoghurt are not the same! The former is more of an iced milk, so always go for the regular product. Furthermore, consuming yoghurt regularly and choosing fat-free varieties can make a big difference.

Whenever You Drink Milk, Do So With A Meal

A lot of people have noticed that their symptoms do not surface if they eat their dairy products with meals. Therefore, having some food with your glass of milk can make a difference – the perfect excuse for some cookies! While this may not work for everyone, there are many people that do report having a glass of milk with food to reduce the symptoms you are experiencing.

As you can see, there is a lot to consider when it comes to eating wisely if you experience lactose intolerance. We hope that the advice and suggestions we have provided above will help you to digest lactose with greater ease so that you can have a much more comfortable diet and stay away from the symptoms that we have discussed. It really can make a massive difference in your life!

*collaborative post

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