Monitoring Cognitive And Cardiac Health: An Introduction To The ECG-EEG Test

The brain and heart are crucial to a human’s life. Like any body part, they are also inclined to abnormalities or risks. A head injury, seizure disorder, pain in your chest, or heavy breathing are abnormalities or symptoms that shouldn’t be taken light-heartedly.

Perhaps an ECG-EEG test is a familiar word, but it could be jargon to many people. In layman’s terms, these medical equipment are used to test cognitive and cardiac health through the electrical activity of the brain and heart. Read on as this article gets deeper into ECG and EEG tests.

What Is An ECG-EEG Test?

There’s no better way of explaining these two than knowing them separately. Where do broken hearts go? Well, they undergo ECG or electrocardiogram as this equipment measures your heart’s electrical activity to know possible risks to your heart.

On the other hand, EEG or electroencephalogram is in charge of evaluating electrical activity in your brain. This equipment detects potential problems with your brain.

How Are ECG-EEG Procedures Done?

Hearing from your Doctor that you’ll be undergoing an ECG-EEG test might be overwhelming, especially for a first-timer. Don’t worry because these tests are painless and easy. The key player in this procedure is called electrodes. These are small flat metal discs attached to a wire.

During an EEG, these electrodes will be attached to your scalp to analyze electrical impulses in the brain. Here’s how the procedure goes:

  • Lie down on your back in a reclining chair or bed.
  • Your head will be measured by a technician to know where to place the electrodes. To get a higher-quality reading, parts of your scalp will be scrubbed with a special cream.
  • There will be 16-25 electrodes attached to your scalp.
  • There may be instructions from the technician that you’ll have to do during the test. The technician might ask you to breathe deeply, close your eyes, or look at pictures that may cause stimuli.
  • Expect very little electricity passing through the electrodes and your skin, which might cause you very minimal to no discomfort.
  • This test usually takes 30-60 minutes.

ECG lasts shorter than an EEG test. Here’s how the procedure goes:

  • After changing into a gown, lie down on a table, be still, and breathe normally.
  • A technician will attach about ten electrodes with a gel to your arms, chest, and legs. Take note that if these parts of your body are unshaven, the technician may shave them as hairs may hinder the accuracy of the test.
  • Talking is prohibited during the test.
  • The ECG machine will record electrical activity from your heart.
  • This test will last for 10 minutes

The results will be analyzed by a machine and will look like a recording of valleys and mountains. These lines help doctors to analyze and assess abnormal patterns in your brain and heart.

Why Take An ECG-EEG Test?

Taking an ECG-EEG test helps nip the bud for an existing problem in your heart and brain before it worsens. Seer Medical’s ecg-eeg test has high-tech equipment that can monitor patients in the comfort of your home. Get tested and know the treatments necessary for your conditions.

Here are some reasons why an EEG test is performed:

  • Epilepsy
  • Head Injury
  • Encephalitis
  • Encephalopathy
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Stroke
  • Dementia

Your doctor might recommend you an ECG if you’re experiencing these symptoms:

  • Chest Pain
  • Feeling exhausted or weak
  • Abnormal Palpitations of the heart
  • Unusual sounds detected by your Doctor

The electrical activity of your heart will help a doctor determine if your heart chambers are too large or overworked. In some cases, having a history of heart disease in your family might also be needed to detect early signs of heart problems.

Know Your Heart And Brain

Make better decisions with your heart and brain by ensuring they are healthy. With a test offered by Seer Medical’s ecg-eeg test, get to know your heart and brain better. With the combination of your heart and brain activity, help your doctors to help you by gaining a better understanding of your brain and heart’s complexity. Get effective treatment strategies by getting tested.

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