Top Tips For Keeping Make Up On In The Heat!

Even though the weather is hot and we can find even the smallest of things irritating, us ladies still want to look good and wear our makeup without worrying about anything fading or even worse, melting off our faces. Apart from the obvious advice of sticking to really light foundation or a tinted moisturiser during summertime, there are also some other great tricks that can help your makeup stay put in the heat.

Always Prime Your Face

Applying an SPF moisturiser is absolutely essential before going out in the sun, but if you want to use makeup, primer should be the middle step between moisturiser and foundation. Both face and eye primers can make things a whole lot easier; makeup will stick better to the skin, while matt primers (your total summer saviour) will keep your face oil-free. This type of smooth, clean and prepped canvas for makeup application will ensure that the powder stays on longer, even in the hottest of days.

Use a Setting Powder

Don’t even think about leaving home with your face full of makeup, without setting it with a translucent powder first. It goes without saying that you need to use the one that works best for you. The perfect way to make the powder look as natural as possible, while making the best of its power to keep the makeup in place, is to apply it with a damp sponge. Of course, it is essential that the sponge is only slightly damp and must be completely free of any water droplets, so that it won’t make a paste when mixed with powder or smear the foundation.

Use a Setting Powder

Lock Everything in with a Fixing Spray

There are many fixing makeup sprays on the market that work really well, but you can also make one yourself. Whatever you choose, don’t forget to include this step in your beauty routine before going out. Fixing spray will work its magic and make the makeup stick to your face even in the scorching heat. Keep the spray in the fridge and bring it with you in your bag so that you can freshen up and reset your makeup whenever you deem it necessary. Cheap hairspray works just as well, so there’s no need to fork out lots of money on something that you may already have at home already.

Choose a Good Foundation

The type of foundation you choose for summer time plays a big part in the final makeup look. Refrain from using foundations with a thick consistency and those that have a heavy feel. Your skin needs to breathe if you want to avoid sweating and, therefore, any visible unflattering smudges. There are many good foundations perfect for the summer months and you can find many reviews and recommendations online, but this season Natasha Cook Protection Foundation is on the top of the list for most of the beauty blogger community.

Choose a Good Foundation

Bring Your Blotting Paper

Even during the colder months, your natural face oil will shine through even the toughest foundation. In order to prevent any makeup mishaps by trying to fix this with standard tissues, or god forbid your hands, remember to get yourself some blotting paper and keep it with you at all times. By gently pressing the paper onto your face, you can remove excess oil that – apart from not looking good – can also break down the foundation. Don’t try to repair this issue by putting layers of setting powder on oily skin, since it will only make your face look cakey and the heat even more unbearable.

If you want to use makeup during sunny hot days, you should also take upon yourself the responsibility of making it look good. There’s no point in going out with full-on makeup if your bare face would have looked better in the heat. Use the products that suit your skin the best and don’t forget those other life-saving beauty necessities you should keep close in case of emergencies.

Author BIO:

Sophia Smith is Australian based fashion, beauty and lifestyle blogger. She is very passionate about organic beauty products, yoga and healthy lifestyle. Sophia writes mostly in beauty and lifestyle related topics, mainly through blogs and articles. She is regular contributor at High Style Life and Ripped.

Find her on: Facebook Twitter Google +

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