What To Expect From A Medical Weight Loss Diet?

The changes in lifestyle and distance from physical labor or activity have affected the lives of many. The primary visible effect is in the form of sudden and unexpected weight gain. Aside from lifestyle changes, obesity is also a result of a specific medical complication or because of the medicines prescribed for their cure.

In any case of the listed cases, apart from being a risk factor for health hazards, weight gain is also seen as a form of embarrassment that crushes one’s self-confidence and self-esteem.

Among the plethora of available treatment options, a medical weight-loss diet has also come out as an effective cure for obesity. It provides a complete medical assessment, nutritional counseling, a diet plan, etc., for faster and long-lasting results.

What Is A Medical Weight Loss Diet Program?

A medical weight loss program is also known as Bariatric Weight Management. This diet program is a supervised treatment that aims at offering the patient suggestions to maintain a healthy weight throughout their life.

Several reports have proven the life-threatening risk factors associated with obesity. The main among these is the threat associated with heart disease, which can also take one’s life.

In most cases, obesity is curable by following self-made diet plans and exercise routines. However, there are people who need medical assistance to achieve the desired results. This is where the importance of a medical weight loss program is established.

This program is basically a game of numbers associated with calories. If the body consumes more calories, with no medium of burning them down, it increases body fat.

It is easier and simpler to treat people who have gained weight as a consequence of their improper diet. In this case, the physician often prescribes a low-calorie diet plan with a well-designed routine of regular exercise in order to help them lose weight. But the same is not applicable to people who have gained weight because of some medical disorders. Some of these medical conditions are Hypothyroidism, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Cushing’s Disease, Depression, and more. These factors play a key role in deducing the most suitable weight management program for the patient.

What Can You Expect From A Medical Weight Loss Program?

The following are some things that you can expect from a well-planned medical weight loss program:

1. Detailed Assessment Of The Patient’s Body Composition

The first step in the Medical Weight Loss program is analyzing and understanding the patient’s body composition. The body composition helps them know how much of the patient’s weight are fatty tissue, lean tissue, and water.

A special scale is designed to send electricity through the feet. The results are derived when they step on this scale. This is a safe procedure, and the patients feel no pain during the process.

The scale also helps accurately determine the basal metabolic rate (BMR) and total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). The BMR helps understand how many calories the patient’s body can burn at rest.

The TDEE helps reflect the number of calories the patient’s body can burn throughout the day in their usual routine. With the help of this information, the physician is able to prepare the most suitable meal plan that will help in achieving sustainable weight loss.

2. Complete Medical Assessment

In order to prepare the perfect diet plan, the doctor will have to know about the medical condition and history of the patient. This helps the doctor and the patient learn about the factors that have been posing an obstacle in a person’s weight loss journey.

Some factors that are commonly determined to make the task of weight loss difficult are diabetes, imbalanced hormones, nutrient deficiency, chronic diseases, dysfunctional thyroid gland, hypertension, high cholesterol, and more.

These medical conditions would cause sudden weight gain even if the individual is following a proper diet and exercise routine. The early diagnosis of these factors will help the physician design a plan that helps the patient lose weight without adding extra risk to their medical condition.

3. Expert Nutritional Counseling

Nutritional counseling is the next important step in the medical weight loss program. This counseling is offered by a professional dietician or healthcare provider with proper knowledge, training, and qualifications to offer their insights on nutrition.

During this counseling phase, the physician sets the nutrition goals by learning about the patient’s eating habits.

This phase in the medical weight loss diet program is mainly devoted to teaching the patient how to make better food choices. The doctor lists the right calcium, sodium, protein, fiber, fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy, fat, and more intake.

It is a known fact that the human body requires the intake of the right amounts of nutrients to function properly. Anything more or less is not right for the individual’s health.

The nutrient requirement for everyone is different. Thus, during the nutritional counseling process, patients learn about their body type and understand what kind of plan will bring desired results for them.

4. A Proper Diet And Exercise Plan

This is the last stage of the medical weight loss program. Inactivity is listed as the most common cause of weight gain. Some people either follow a completely inactive lifestyle or involve themselves in overly ambitious workout routines.

Both of these are not right for a healthy body and healthy life. Thus, one of the main components of the medical weight loss diet program is encouraging the patient to take healthy steps by suggesting they take exercise programs that are safe, enjoyable, and right for their body type.

Another important part of this diet program is designing a well-planned diet plan. This plan is made by considering all the essential nutrients that the person needs daily.

The diet plan is different for everyone depending on their condition and body type. Following this diet routine with devotion is a successful step in losing weight and leading a healthy and active life.


Initially, many might feel it difficult and exhausting to follow the diet and exercise plan designed by the physician. However, the unshakable desire to lose weight gives birth to persistence and dedication, which in return contributes to achieving the desired results.

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