5 Ways To Snack On A Keto Diet

The idea of dieting can evoke some uncomfortable thoughts in those who are considering it. Diets are usually conflated with hugely regimented eating schedules, mass-restrictions on certain food groups, and the daunting task of endlessly counting your calories. Naturally, snacking is typically considered to be the antithesis of sticking to a diet.

The keto diet is a revolution in the diet world, and many have welcomed its emphasis on fatty foods. That said, it can be hard to maintain. In the interest of moderation and consistency, below, we’ll break down some ideas that make snacking on a keto diet more doable.

But First, What Exactly Is The Keto Diet? 

“Keto,” short for ketogenic, is a diet that cuts out carbohydrates (carbs) in favor of high fat foods. A standard keto diet consists of 70-80% fat, 20% protein, and less than 10% carbs. After being on this diet for two to four days (longer in some people), the body enters a metabolic state called “ketosis.”

During this state, the body fuels and energizes itself with fat, rather than carbs. You can measure your ketone levels – to ensure you’re in ketosis – through blood tests, urine tests, and breath tests. This is very important to measure, because if you aren’t in a state of ketosis, you are effectively consuming a potentially unhealthy high fat diet. When done right, replacing carbs with fatty foods can result in a boosted metabolism, suppressed hunger, and easier to manage blood sugar.

Obviously, going on a diet that promotes high fat food may come across as a little perplexing to some. At the same time, being encouraged to eat the foods traditionally avoided in diets may also go some way towards explaining keto’s popularity.

So, What Are My Snacking Options?

  1. Specialized keto foods – With keto gaining so much popularity, specialized keto foods are becoming common place. One option is Perfect Keto Bars. These come in a variety of flavours, contain no added sugar, minimal carbs, and they’re great on the go.
  2. Hard boiled eggs – These are also a great keto snack. They are simple to prepare, easy to carry, and a great energy boost when you need it. They also go great with a side of mayo or cream cheese.
  3. Nuts – Also great keto snacks as they are full of healthy fats that people on keto diets can sometimes miss out on. Macadamias, brazil nuts, and pecans are great, but be careful of cashews, which have a high carb content.
  4. Vegetables with a high fat dip – Dips like cream cheese or sour cream with vegetables is a good option. Be careful of carrots which have a high carb content.
  5. A mix of meats and cheeses – Cold cuts like chorizo, ham, and pastrami with a side of brie or cheddar, stored in a portable container, should do the trick.

What Can’t I Snack On? 

To avoid any mishaps, we need to look at what we can’t eat. Many people have flocked to keto as attitudes have changed around fat intake, finding favour due to its emphasis on traditionally “indulgent” foods. Despite the appeal of the keto diet’s high fat content, it’s still a diet and with that comes restrictions and the need for moderation.

As mentioned, carbs – particularly staples like rice, pasta, bread, and potatoes – should be avoided. Also, sugar, including candy and even fruit, should be avoided.

How Can I Ensure I Always Have Keto Snacks On Hand? 

Unless all of your friends are on keto, you’ll have to take arranging your snacks into your own hands. A good mentality to have is to always assume there won’t be keto food where you are going. The upshot of this: you’ll need to bring snacks with you.

Going shopping regularly will need to become the norm. Requesting keto adaptations for take-out food is too risky and should be avoided. After all, you wouldn’t want to undo all your hard work with one fateful snack.

Preparation is key here. For example, after a shopping trip, boil six to twelve eggs and keep them in the fridge. They last up to a week and are great to have on hand. Investing in portable Tupperware to bring food out with you will also serve you well.


The keto diet, with its emphasis on indulgent foods, is growing in popularity. By ensuring you keep carbs to an absolute minimum, you can enjoy intermittent snacks between meals including foods like eggs, nuts, and meats. A small bit of preparation can make this easier.

*collaborative post

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