When you move for the first time, you aren’t prepared enough for what lies ahead: all the stress and mountains of boxes and checklists that go on forever. It seems like a true nightmare, and it can potentially turn into one if you’re not careful and organized. Luckily, each of the following moves will seem easier because you will know what to expect and how to prepare. If you’re planning on moving anytime soon, read on to discover just what you can do to make it as smooth and relaxed as possible.
Set The Budget
When you move, you know that you will spend a pretty penny on a lot of important things: rent payments, down payments, renting storage units, hiring a truck or professional movers, packing materials, and cleaning supplies. When you know that these expenses are awaiting, you can prepare for them and put aside some money so that you don’t go bankrupt in the process. Start calculating costs ahead of time, and if you see that it’s much more than you can afford, look for ways to cut costs. This is why it’s a good idea to start early because you will have enough time to look into more cost-effective ways to finalize your move. Especially if you plan to move interstate or a much longer distance.
An Excuse To Declutter
We don’t even notice the number of things we’ve accumulated and stashed in corners over the years until the time comes to move them elsewhere. Use the move as an excuse to get rid of all the things that you no longer need, keep only the essentials, and move into your new home without a million things from your old one. Get rid of old and unnecessary kitchen equipment, tools, clothes, books, and toys; put them up on popular selling websites such as eBay or MyDeal and earn some money from the things you no longer need. Of course, you could always donate some of the things to your local shelter or Red Cross.
Never Work Alone
When you have to ‘conquer’ every single piece of furniture in every single room in your home all by yourself, it can cause a lot of stress. This is the reason why you shouldn’t do it alone; moving is hard work and you can (and should) rely on your friends and family for support and a helping hand. You might not find asking for help to be easy, but it’s absolutely necessary. If you don’t want to hire movers, you can easily organize the move yourself, but don’t hesitate to ask people to help you prepare. Even your kids can help by picking up and packing their toys.
Get An Early Start
Deadlines are great because they can force even the laziest person to be productive, but they also put on additional stress because we feel like there isn’t enough time for everything. Starting early is the best way to save money, nerves, and your inner peace. This means that you aren’t going to have to do everything last minute, which is a calming thought in a stressful situation. If you have pets, learn what you need to do so you can travel with them, and if you have pieces of furniture that you have to keep, see if you can ship them off to your new home early. Still, as early as you start, always have a backup plan because things are known to go south out of the blue.
Give Yourself Time
The excitement surrounding the move will become almost palpable as the day of the move approaches, and as much as you want everything and everyone to stay on schedule, you need to understand that it’s likely not going to be the case. Your careful plans are going to fly out the window because on the day that the actual hard work starts, you will see that the activity that was supposed to last half an hour is going to last at least two, and the thing you thought is actually going to take two hours will become five in a blink of an eye. Don’t lose focus if things start going slow but rather work around them – cross a couple of small items off the checklist while you wait.
Say Goodbye
Saying goodbye to your old life is never easy: so many memories hidden in every corner, that moving from one place to another can be quite sad. Take time to say goodbye to your old home, your old room, your favourite café and cinema. Spend time with your friends, family, and pets, and create loads of wonderful memories that you can bring along to your new home. As difficult it is to do it, a proper goodbye is an essential step when you’re about to move on.
Moving is never exactly fun, but if you’re organized well enough and you do it enough times, you will become proficient in packing, logistics, and unpacking. Remember that days of the move are always exciting and hectic, and if you start planning too late, you will likely lose a lot of time and nerves. An early start is the best way to avoid stress and rush, so prepare weeks and even months in advance and try to keep your cool.
Author Bio
Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in business and marketing related topics.
In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.