The key word for today is HAPPINESS and we want you to take a few minutes to reflect on just what it is that makes you happy and then get out there and DO IT!
Maybe it’s a particular person that makes you happy? In which case make a date to visit them. Or maybe there’s a particular activity that you love to do, but normally it feels just a bit too self indulgent, like colouring or knitting, or even just reading a book. Or maybe you have a certain place that fills you with happiness? Go there, today!
Happy people are healthy people and taking the time to do something that makes you happy has been proven to help lower the risk of depression, increase those feel good endorphins and just make for a much more positive, satisfying and generally healthier lifestyle.
To help find your happy place, read our article ‘10 Steps to Happiness‘
Remember to check back tomorrow to see what’s behind door 9 of the Art of Healthy Living Advent Calendar.
Missed Day 7? Click here for yesterday’s door.
We’d love to hear what made you happy today so please get in touch!
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