If like me you are literally useless unless you’ve planned your life, weeks, days out into carefully sectioned off lists then you’ll know just how important a good diary is. But in this image conscious, style savvy day and age, a scrappy wire bound notebook just ain’t gonna cut it – I mean come on as if you can get a good Insta pic of that!
It’s all about the hard backed, cloth covered, ribbon bound, luxurious and downright stylish planner; that lusted after item that you can never have too many of. Because if you’ve got a beautiful planner then everything is going to be just hunkydory!
Ponderlily have created a planner that goes above and beyond what you would expect from your run of the mill journal. First up it totally ticks the Insta friendly box, with it’s luxuriously simple but stylish textured cloth finish with wonderfully elegant copper foiled print and colour matching page marker ribbons, it is without doubt an object of beauty. But it’s more than just a pretty face, because open it up and you discover way, way more than calendars and important days to remember.
As you would expect, the planner is broken down by month and then each week is spread across a double page. The days are then further broken down into hourly slots, allowing you to make notes for appointments etc. and really get down to the nitty gritty of daily planning. Also within the weekly pages is a notes section and shaded blocks for you to write down positive habits you want to instil that week, a recharge section for you to schedule in time for you, and of course a to do list – but don’t worry it’s not too big and daunting. Each month is kicked off with a positive quote (always love a quote!) and includes a page for jotting down ideas of where you might like to visit (perfect for those bucket list travel destinations), people you’d like to meet or who inspire you, what you’d like to try (could be anything from new experiences through to new foods or exercise), the support you need to reach your goals, what you can celebrate and what you’d like to learn. It’s a marvellous way to make you think abut your life and the year ahead in a lot more detail than you may have done before and if you are someone who believes in the power of intention and goal setting then this is the planner for you.
Talking of intentions, I love that there is a square per day to jot down your daily intention, because ultimately setting an intention can really help give you direction and just generally makes you more mindful of your behaviour and actions. Which in turn helps with productivity levels, motivation, and definitely reduces those stress levels right down.
At the end of each month is a monthly check in where you can basically self assess what’s worked well for you that month and what perhaps hasn’t and these focus on 6 areas:
- Wellness
- Relaxation
- Friends & Family
- Finances
- Home
- Personal projects.
There are also plenty of lined pages at the very back of the planner for writing down all those light bulb moments when they come to you. And because of how versatile the planner is it means really you don’t need to be carrying loads of separate things around with you in your handbag, as this literally covers all bases.
The Ponderlily planner is all about recognising that we lead busy lives and therefore planning and organising the heck out of it is an absolute necessity, but at the same time its message is clear – you are important and you deserve some of your time too. And as they say themselves, their planners have been designed to:
“Encourage meaningful connections between people, places and activities that energize and empower you to live fully“
To me this planner is a cross between a diary, a journal and a scrapbook, and it’s just a really lovely inspiring and motivational tool for our ever growing self care toolkit.
I’m just a teensy bit gutted that I’ve only recently been sent it to review, as it means there’s now only 5 months left of using it before the 2019 planner is needed. Which is exactly the reason why Ponderlily have introduced their new range of dateless planners, meaning you can use them without being date restricted – LOVE THAT!
With prices starting at £23 if I were you I’d be adding this to your Christmas list and getting ahead of the game for next year, ‘cos apparently 2019 is the year for planning…. well OK so I made that last bit up, but it totally sounds legit right 😉
*product gifted for review.